wheel weights

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My take on the wheelweight ball is it's harder, slightly larger when cast in the same mold, usually harder to load unless a thinner patch is used. I haven't found them to be a accurate as pure lead on paper although on targets of opportunity you would probably not notice the difference. Although the mixture varies with the manufacturer, I don't think you'll find as much tin as was stated , mostly it's lead with some antimony added to harden it.
You are right, deadeye, that a thinner patch should be used. I like to use a linen hankerchief that my mother put in my pocket before I went to school. Since I have an abundant supply, they make good strong, thin patches. They will burn out,however, with hotter loads. I cut back on the powder. For a 50 cal.,I have lots of fun just shootin' 50 grains of powder. For just plinkin' and havin' fun, the wheel weight lead works just fine. It's a fun activity to mold the balls and shoot the product. ::
Why burn up your pure lead on plinking?

You can get all of the wheel weight lead I want for next to nothing, sometimes even free.

Most tire shops will give you buckets full of the stuff so they don't have to use the hazardous waste site...

Another good source is any parking lot, just give the kids a screwdriver and a bucket and cut them loose... Just kidding on that last one... ::
musketman, I like your commit on the lead weight: Another good source is any parking lot, just give the kids a screwdriver and a bucket and cut them loose... I had a good laugh, thanks for your great wisdon Mtn-Man2u
We had a friend who is now gone insisted on use wheel weigth to make his maxi ball. You need a hammer to get them in the barrel. Same mold and pure lead start it with your thumb. If you don't think that is a big deal try loading one after you just missed a big buck and now he is standing there looking all around.
If yore shootin a smoothbore_ you probly won"t even have to melt the wheel weights down into balls!!

Jest takem off tha wheels_ and drop"em down tha bore!! :: (Might make a "whiz"n sound" when you shoot"em tho!!)

"Thet" should have finished off thet attorney_ and put him out of his "misery"!! :: :: ::

"Thet" should have finished off thet attorney_ and put him out of his "misery"!! :: :: ::

Too funny. I was just having a conversation about the legal liability of members recommending rifle loads and the ramifications of someone trying it and then suing somebody (everybody).

I guess we'll have to put a disclaimer on the Forum that says you're responsible for anything you do. My eleven year-old already knows this, but some adults need to be reminded. ::

I "HOPE" everbuddy realizes I was jest "jokein"!! :eek:

However a liablity disclaimer ain"t a bad idea__ in this day"n age!!
Seriously, I'm not worried about it, but a disclaimer may be a good idea anyway.

The way the courts are these days, they seem to entertain any lawsuit, no matter how ridiculous. And even with a disclaimer, you can still get sued.
Avoid"n lawsuits_ would justify a "twenty dollar per pound" price for wheel weights in my book!!

rollingb"s disclaimer:__ I"ll only pay this price for "gold" wheel weights!!!! ::

Hey I hadn"t thot bout"em make"n a "U"turn_ and come"n back to tha shooter!!

Now I unnerstand the reason for a "DISCLAIMER"!! ::
Remember what Momma said: "You'll shoot yer eye out." Wonder if aborigine bush-Mommas say: "Put Daddy's boomerang down. You'll shoot your ar$e off."

We don't need more lawyers, just better Mommas. Some folks appear to have not been slapped upside the haid often 'nuff as chillens. When I'm king the answer to most litigation will be: "Serves you right you ignorant klutz. If you can't swim you shouldn't be in the gene pool."

We be givin Claude gray hairs, you betcha.

Anyone remember seeing the National Geographic special some years back where a couple tiger poachers melted an empty toothpaste tube to mold into a bullet?

I hope you become king purty soon!!
I like yore ideas!!

and_ Thanks for tha "tooth paste tube" update_ guess I missed it tha first time!! "Colgate or Equate"_ or does it matter??

Yore loyal subject!!
Heck I got slapped up side the head so many times by my ma that my head is lopsided now. Didn't do much good, I still do stupid things from time to time, even though I know better.
There you are, a new shooting product. "Boomerang Muzzleloading Bullets".Miss your mark and the bullet returns to the shooter. Only other shooting accessory needed---- a kevlar catching mitt.

Boomerang Bullets Warning*******
Don't use if....
You have a heart condition
You have poor eye sight
You still have children to raise

Bullets are guarentee for life of shooter or the first couple of shots..... Which ever comes first.
I shot a penny out of my Brown Bess before...

I was showing my musket to someone and he was checking the bore diameter with a coin, (why, I don.t know... I turned my back on him for just a second...)

I could see the penny about two inches down the bore sideways, just beyond grasp...

So I dumped about 10 grains of FFg down the bore and turned the penny flat with the ramrod and ran it down the tube and seated it on top of the powder...

I then added a heavy lubed 1/2 inch feltan wad over top of the penny and commenced to shoot it out...

It came out fine, there was no visible damage to my barrel after cleaning and a bore light inspection, no copper streaks or gouges to speak of...

For all I know, it may have worked like the gas-check disc does on modern alloy bullets...

Poor ol' Abe was a tad scortched though... ::

Oh no, I'm thinking again...
What if I could shoot a roll of pennies?
That would be like a paper patched wad cutter..
Nah, Don't do it, .50 cents a shot is too much...

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