wheel weights

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Musketman, guess you would enjoy shooting one of my old friends favorite loads.

He liked to say " I gots 7 silver dimes and 3 catseye marbles in front of 50 grains of 3f down in hyar. Keep messin wif me 'n u kin have all tha marbles and keep the change..."

While I don't advocate shooting this load, I suspect it would be devastating on the receiving end of it!
wal....aye been lukin at this hyar wheel weight bidness a looong[url] time.....ain[/url]'t never shot[url] them...ain[/url]'t never had to. Guess I be lucky. Why, jest las nite muh oldest boy backed up to the basement door and scooted off a couple hunert pounds of lead from a doctor's orofice he is remodelin. Hit wuz frum the x-ray room. Now ah kin make boolets what will glow in tha dark...'n iffn I shud jest nick a buck and hit heals up, why nex year he may have 2 sets uv antlers er cum thru the woods glowing in tha dark.....life is gud!

I'd say thet iffn ye want to shute wheel weights in yer smuthbore ta jest go ahead on and do hit, but I ain't gonna put nun uv thet hard stuff in nun uv my rifleguns....fraid hit would hurt tha bore and wear hit more. I gots 31 year of shootin from a barrel I used to win tha nationals wif back in '78...'n it still shoots gooder then I kin hold it...cause I hev took keer uv it and used a collar on the rammer whin i cleaned hit. Muzzle ain't wore no more thin tha rest of the riflins.

I hev seed no rekords whar Boone er Crokitt er Kenton/Butler used wheel weights, so I's gonna take a page frum thayr book and not do hit neither.
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In the movie " the Patriot" what were the toys Ben Martin was melting to pore in his mold, Pewter ?? Rocky /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
You can still buy lead soldiers.
A Brief History of Toy Soldiers:

People have been collecting toy soldiers since the time of the Pharaohs. Throughout history, soldiers have been made of wood, stone, clay and lead for the rich and the royal, but it wasn't until the end of the 18th century that figures were first mass-produced.

And to think, everyone was worried about a little lead based paint in a child's room...
Lets see ifn' I can whip this ol mule back to life - one thing more about scrap lead is once ya get it hot enough just let it sit a spell and a lot of the odd stuff in it floats to the top for you to skim it off anyway. What's left aint pure lead but it's dang good enuff fer shootin' holes.

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