Where do you draw the line?

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Just curious and to keep from hi jacking a different thread

How HC/PC are you comfortable with.

I have been known to leave my keys in the truck and use the door code in order to not have anything modern on my person at an event.

Are you ok with a plastic/delrin/fiberglass ramrod?
Ok with a plastic stock?
Ok with fiber optic sights?
Ok with a scope?
Ok with an in-line

Maybe this should be a poll?
I would never leave my keys in my SUV even at a trusted shoot. Outsiders could still come to the park area and steal.
No for all but one item on your list, a scope, provided it is of historical likeness.
At our monthly shoots, it's what you're shooting that matters. At the few 'vous I make, I keep it out of sight if it's not period. If the rules are stricter, I'll abide or won't be there.
I prefer to use what I have at hand. None of it is period correct. Got a Queen Anne that is almost up to snuff, but it doesn't have the screw barrel. My .44 is designed as an 1851. Now I do have an 1862 .36 Sherriff that might pass muster, but I doubt it. My rifles are TC and CVA half stock rifles. I never sweat the small stuff. But I also am not a reenactor and I don't go to Juried Events. Also, just getting in the door with a period correct rifle is a pile of money. Let alone the period correct clothing and gear.

If all I have is all I have, I am shooting.
No to everything except the Delerine range rod for now. I only take it to shoots. I just have not found what Im looking for. As soon as I do then I can mark that off the list. Hopefully pick one up at the Hawken Classic. Ditto on what @andy52 said about keys, meds, money and such.


But have significant eye disease. RH shooter who now must shoot LH. Wonder at times about fiber optics.

And, if it's just a day at the range, will bring a modified 50BMG cleaning rod for stuck balls, etc.
If it were some juries event, then it needs to meet the standard. If not, then I don't see why anyone would care.
I shot on a range next to a young man with a plastic stocked flintlock that had a quick release breach. He was using 50gr pyrodex pellets and discarding sabot rounds. He did struggle with ignition.
I was shooting an old DGW SMR in .50 cal. We had pleasant conversation and he liked my rifle. It didn't occur to me to judge him. I tried to help him get better ignition.
If this had been a traditional event, the situation would have been different.
Depends on the range, I was invited to a shoot at a club a friend belongs to, it was a shall we say a juried shoot for traditional flintlocks, no C.V.A. and those type of guns, long rifle flinters only. It was a point type shoot and the points started to add up or be subtracted even before the rifle was loaded. Everything from attire to bag and accroutments them boys did not miss anything and were good at judging, Now on the other hand if your at a public range shoot what ya want, I am a total tradional shooter with in reason of safety concerns.
Don't do events any more except fir Dixon's Gunsmith trade fair , and the Horner's craft show , so I go to the range some. There I use a ball pulling rod of steel. I never dry ball a gun though , :ghostly: .. Only things I use at the range that's not 18th century is my horn w/ spring loaded powder cutoff valve ,for safety , , spotting scope , (laziness) , ,and small metal tool kit with rags , lube , hammer , sight drift , file , and all the rest of the crap it some times takes to sight in a gun. I like my modern made padded , gun rest , too.
Can you explain please what the above means, us old folks are lost? Not fair to be condescending.

It was meant as an off beat joke. At 74 I'm most likely in the old folks group myself.

Lia Thomas is the male swimmer who claims to be a girl and is breaking many records as a "female" or transgender swimmer.
In other words, if we show up at a shoot with our usual traditional guns and gear we would probably get beat by someone with a "modern muzzleloader" with a scope etc. Maybe.
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Can you explain please what the above means, us old folks are lost? Not fair to be condescending.
C'mon man, I'm probably older than you!

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