Where you personally Shoot is the Range Controlled, or Uncontrolled

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50 Cal.
Mar 1, 2005
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What I mean by “Controlled, or Uncontrolled” is does you shoot range have DESIGNATED R/O who are not Shooting at the time they are R/Oing?

Are your R/O’s Paid or Volunteers, and are they TRAINED & CERTIFIED IN Range Safety, or just trying to do the best they can do to prevent accident without a formal training, or safety certification course??
:youcrazy: :youcrazy: :youcrazy: :youcrazy:
Don't know where you shoot at but around here (Wstern WA) it is in the hills or at a range that you have to pay to use. In the hills I think you know the answer about R/O's-there aren't any. At the range there is a paid R/O that doesn't shoot at all but is there to assist in missfires, bore sighting for unmentionables and modern arms, etc.

At any rate the range is always under control of the R/O. He calls cease fire, and will whip you if you get stupid like shooting the cross bar on the target stands. My inclination is that if there is someone at a range acting as a R/O, shooting or not, that the area is there responsibility and thus they are in control, regardless of pay, thus making the range a "controlled environment".

As far a certified, there can be a smattering of both certified and uncertified. They just have to "follow the rules" of gun safety as much as you do. I know that at the range I shoot at the guys are certified firearms instructors with the NRA and are also hunter ed instructors thus making them state certified.
No range officer at our range, a sign is posted that if more than 1 is shooting to designate a range officer. Usually works out pretty good, we do get quite a few who leave their brains home though, shooting at posts, garbage cans, the roof. Not pulling their targets when done, I am quite sure these idiots are not members of our gun club but can use the range anyway. flinch
I shoot at the gun range 15 miles north of here when wanting to shoot off a bench or develop/chronograph loads. Club members shoot for free with paid membership, visitors pay 3.00 per shooter per trip.
The only time I have seen RO's (Volunteers I believe) is at an advertised or organized event. On any given day, everyone is left to supervise/organize the line themselves. I have seen some pretty dumb stunts take place but usually, if no one else takes charge, I will kind of step up and at least call out a "Range Hot" or "Make 'em Safe" command. It suprises me how inconsiderate or poorly organized some people can be. The biggest offense I see repeated is that someone pops off a few rounds and then wants to go downrange to "check their target". Most people dont bring a spotting scope or binoculars that are powerful enough to see the holes in the target and want to go downrange every couple of minutes. I experienced this yesterday and got quite frustrated at first. The "good" (Bad) thing is that these kind of shooters are usually done fairly quickly and satisfied with the typical "Paper Plate" group.
Idaho PRB
Wide oprn public or timber company landings of open areas withsuitable backstops, totalt self governed and most use respect to keep the privilage open those who don't are turned in to the authorities usually after telling them what is comming down....with the exception of one group shootin full auto weapons and they were obviously not legal in more ways than one, we called them in on the CB held our position around the bend, then crossed our fingers and kept at least two guns loaded as we shot targets as to not arouse their suspicion till they left, they were in custody when we dropped down the hill an hour later.
Where I shoot monthly matches, club members who are trained and certified serve as range officers, but they are also shooting. There are several other members equally trained and certified about the line.

My personal range is a quarter million acres of National Forest and Wilderness area land with access only a couple hundred yards from the house.

I am almost always alone, so safety is up to me. I always police up the area after shooting, whether I made the mess or not, try to leave it better than I found it.
We have miles of open country public lands. I have a canyon below my house where I shoot. There is one shooting range in 100 miles and its a trap club.
Those that over see our shooting are prairie dogs, magpies.coyotes, wolves, lions, elk, you see they all have a vested interest in shooting. :thumbsup:
My range is a private one. No R/O except for organized events. Members go thru an orientation when joining that goes over rules and proceedures. Members can bring a guest but are responsible for them.

A fence and keypad entry has done away with most foolishness.
Nothing more fun than getting right in the middle of a big prairie dog town for a day of great shooting.

When living in Rawlings, our next door neighbor was a guide for goat and wapiti, but his clients always wanted those hunts over with so they could get down to some serious shooting for prairie dogs.
I shoot at different ranges. At one club range, if you are alone, go ahead; if there are two or more shooters, have one person as informal RO; if there is an organized event, there will be a formally designated RO. The other ranges are more formal, and there will be a designated, volunteer RO, for structured events.
It has not changed. I took 2 fellows from Washington State Prairie Dog shooting as a favor. A very old friend who runs a Charter Boat off the Washington coast called and ask if I would take these clients dog shooting. They stayed here in "The Cowboy State" for 4 days shooting dogs. They said they had never had so much fun.
The Prairie Dogs in Eastern Wyoming have taken over 250,000 acres of range land. Due to the drought and lack of feed for cows the BLM will start the poisoning projects this fall. Damn I sure hate to see this. :shake:
:cursing: There's a Range in Southeastern PA the French Creek Range which is not just uncontrolled but OUT OF CONTROL. It is by far one of the most dangerous facilites I have ever used. Some of the local village idiots have no concept of what they are shooting, why they are shooting nor where they are shooting or pointing loaded guns. I have had to resort to my DI background and severely chastise more than one gun-toting idiot. I just love putting down my flintlock and seeing an AK-47 barrel point directly at me. I climbed all over this kid and came close to calling the State Police after I bashed his head in with the butt. That is an accident going to happen one day at that range. :shake:
What you described is not acceptable and your outrage is very understandable. I believe you are probably referring to French Creek Outfitters indoor range? Hopefully not any of the local clubs. Since I belong to several clubs in this area (and I suppose this makes me one of the village idiots) I would like details.
here in PA we have state gameland ranges and when i'm ever there i see no R/O's....everyone just shouts up and down the line "CLEAR" when one needes to go down range and waits till everyone hears you and clears there guns and sets them down....never had any problems yet :v ........bob
Southcentral Pa here...at the SGL's no R/O here either. Everyone seems to be very safe, although sometimes people show up with 5 or 6 weapons at a time and most do not follow the 3 shots in a rifle/6 in a pistol. Of course...this doesn't matter to me. I am planning on joining a private club in dillsburg. My friend shoots there and he says it is empty all the time. The less the better.
Like everybody else in this part of KY I used to shoot out in the abandoned coal mine "stripper cuts", but those were closed some years ago supposed ly for reclaimation but most likely for liability issues.

Now I belong to a rod and gun club that has a nice range with a smal covered firing line and backstops out to 300 yds. Access is through a locked gate to which the members have the combination. It's strictly a self-regulation type of place, but only occassionally do I run into other shooters there. The times I haven't been alone, someone usually steps up to be the unofficial RO. Since I am self employed and work from home, I can hit the range during the week when most others can't.
Hello from Germany,

here in GE we have only controlled ranges. it is not allowed to shoot without a R/O. R/O can only be who has a gun saftey and handling course and concerning with ML a bp habdling course.


I shoot at a private range. During the week there is no RO, in fact I'm usually the only one there. The range owner takes you out to the range and gives you a talk about the rules the first time you shoot there, after that he just unlocks the door for you.
I don't go on the weekends, but I understand that there is a RO then.

I miss the PA game lands ranges that some other people mentioned. I grew up in PA. Here in NC the state game lands have one (1) range in the entire state, 3 or 4 hours from my house. It's already a 2 1/2 hour round trip to the range I use, I'm not making that a 6 to 8 hour round trip.

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