Scrapes are where a buck will use his front feet to clear out leaves, grass, or other debris down to bare dirt. Some scrapes are made and abandoned with virtually no use. Around my area those are usually along field edges well before the rut. Sometimes, however, those are kept open throughout the rut and for years and can grow to enormous size. Other scrapes appear along trails, and the ones I really like are in thickets and can get exceptionally large being 6 to 10 feet across.
Most scrapes have an overhanging branch(es) that the deer lick, chew, rub the scent glands on their foreheads on, or interlock in antlers twisting and breaking the branch, etc. I have personally witnessed this many times. Deer virtually "make love" to that overhanging branch. They roll their eyes, rubbing, licking, etc for long periods sometimes, as if in a trance. They also urinate in it. Bucks will squat and urinate down their hind legs over their tarsal glands.
While many will say that dominant bucks are the scrape makers and users and no other buck will dare to use it, my time on an 1100 acre lease with many cameras sitting over scrapes taught me that virtually every deer in the area...bucks of all sizes, mature does, and even fawns will work the licking branch, paw the scrape, and urinate in it.
My opinion is that these large perennial scrapes are simply "meeting places" for deer...kinda like a bar or other human social gathering place. By visiting, they know who is around (by scent) and can even track them, if desired. Our trail cams would sometimes capture many deer (upwards of 10) all gathered together at scrapes. Of course, this is usually in the middle of the night.
The circled scrape looks like an ordinary trail scrape...certainly not one of the giant ones, but still around 3 feet in diameter. It's not being used right now as there was no fresh sign in it, but when you have a string of many of these on a trail, it might be a good place to spend some time next year Oct/Nov.
Probably way more than anyone wanted to know!
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