Why are or aren't you an NMLRA member?

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I looked on the NMLRA website and found the NC Territorial schedule with the dates I submitted in October 2018.

The dates are April 11-14, 2019.

Curious where you found the Territorial info on the website? Just checked (as a non-member, maybe that is issue) and this is a screenshot of what I found
And not complaining about distance to NC Territorial from where I live, just commenting. I have traveled further for less. Someone made a comment about traveling two hours.....

The point I was trying to make after following this topic for a while was that I went to the organization’s web page and could not easily find current information. Top level stuff. What I found was three years old. No reflection on anyone, but it appears the many volunteers are just trying to do too much and unfortunately failing in a number of areas. Do not have a solution, but no answer or worse a poor answer from an organization leaves a lasting impression. We see the negative comments on this thread from a dedicated group that should be an easy (if not easiest group) to bring into the organization. One bad experience, real or perceived, becomes reality and sets the tone. In my opinion, a lot of PR work to do.
There's more opportunities around sometimes than one realizes.
It's out there for sure, you just gotta' find it.

The NMLRA , along with these Forums , like minded articles in magazines, Clubs ,Shoots , Postal & Territorial Matches and Good Stewardship are what will draw interest in our Sport if anything will.

They help get the word out on what's going on in the BP World.

The Club I joined last Fall is 2 hours South of me, but I was glad I found it.
It is a Charter Club in the NMLRA.

I look forward to monthly shoots, the camping, and the Fellowship of the Group.

It's been along time since I was in a BP Club(10 years),
Of all places too find one it was in Miami Fl.

Also a Charter Club in the NMLRA.
I shoot for the United States International Muzzle Loading Long Range team. Errol And his wife helped run a couple of the world matches and I have had the pleasure of getting to know them. You will not find a nicer more helpful guy

Thank you for the information
If the field reps in CT were as dedicated as you are, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Fyi, this is the reply I received from "Sharon Mountain"
"Mike Alicea
There is no membership to the club. We are a sanctioned club for the insurance benefits to host our 2 annual rendezvous."
A sanctioned club you can't be a member of? See my confusion.
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First time I ever heard that situation. The Rendezvous group evidentially was looking for insurance protection which is necessary in today’s world to avoid lawsuits.

Try the other club, and see if any of the New York clubs would be close enough to make the drive. The Saratoga Club is one of the oldest clubs.

Regarding Field Reps contacting potential NMLRA members by mail or phone,it borders on solicitation. It’s against the rules rightly so, for me to send “PMs” to everyone here to join. I wouldn’t think of it. We all get enough sales calls.

I recommend you contact the Field Rep(s) yourself for an inquiry. It comes off better for both parties.

If you don’t ask, it’s an automatic “no”.

Good luck!

I don’t know how you’re getting your result. But I will be happy to get you to the correct location.

If you like, we can start a “private conversation” if it works for you, instead of trying here.

You can also shoot an email to [email protected] and reference the thread from the Muzzleloading Forum.

Whatever works for you.


At one time I was an NMLRA member for a few years. Muzzle blasts was rather boring and gradually became even moreso. The only consistent article of interest was the Bevel Brothers. It's now been many years and I probably won't join up again. Shame, because it could be so much better.

I don’t know how you’re getting your result. But I will be happy to get you to the correct location.

If you like, we can start a “private conversation” if it works for you, instead of trying here.

You can also shoot an email to [email protected] and reference the thread from the Muzzleloading Forum.

Whatever works for you.


Buck, I figured it out. My fault. When I did a nmlra search the first option was for the nmlra.membershipsoftware.org page. Went there clicked on the ‘Territorials’ page. Turns out that is not the same ‘Territorials’ page you get if you go to the ‘Home’ page first. Maybe we can blame Bill Gates.
Sharon Mountain muzzleloaders is not a club, they have two events a year for re-enactment, I have contacted them, asked them if they had any one that would be willing to meet with someone new, they have no one to talk to unless you show up at one of their events, they claim to be a club for insurance. Please verify that For yourself.
I’ll see how Putnam goes, I didn’t know about them because your web site doesn’t show anything in CT.
It fantastic that you can drive 2 hours to an event, some of don’t have the same resources or ability.

Hi CT Shooter, Right now in Eastern RI we are just at the setting early stages of trying to get Shoots going and I don't expect anything to be happening for the puplic until the fall. I am sending out information to CT members and clubs to try and get something going in other parts of the state which may be more accessible to you. I understand your frustration with the lack of activity in CT. It has not been easy for the NMLRA to find folks with the desire and time to spend pursuing these activities. You can PM me with any questions or suggestions. Also my email is nmlra.ct.rep at gmail.com if you would rather.

The Connecticut Field Reps listed are:
John Haefele @ [email protected]
and Ed Spataro (203)879-1068.

Contact them for activities in your state.

If no response from either, contact:

The Regional Field Rep Coordinator for New England region
Errol McLean [email protected]

He’s their “boss”, an unpaid volunteer, of course.

Consider visiting clubs in neighboring states. New York has five around the state.

This is an example of what Field Reps do. I spent a hour contacting the national office, finding info for you and typing it up to assist you, even though we are in different states. Not needing thanks, just trying to help you see your way to find activity in your locality and maybe you’ll join the Association.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for stepping in Buck! I have been busy with my real job. Are you in New England?
Received the Muzzle Blasts today. Stated inside was the change to make the less than 9% who shoot at Friendship pay their own way, and the 91% who don't shoot there, do not have to subsidize those guys. Same with camping, etc. It was about time...That was my biggest beef.
I can understand your feelings on money. I've been in the back 40 my entire life, and yet I've gotten by. First let me tell you, I don't always agree with the NRA, Or with the second amendment foundation or the citizens committee to keep and bear arms, but they are the only things that I've got going to ensure my right to the second amendment. I am a life member of the NRA and an old man now, but I have put in two of my four kids into life membership, and when I get the money I will try to get the other two in. The gun grabbers are not going to give up. I try and contribute to the other two organizations every year also. Sometimes they don't get much, often is just a $20 bill.
I can only tell you it's a matter of priorities. It's kind of like skipping church. It's not hard to do so, and go hunting instead. It's just a matter of priorities. So part of the year I do one, and part of the year I do the other.
Please reconsider your stand on what expense is. When they come and get your guns, I sincerely doubt that they let you keep the muzzleloader's. I believe they've lied before.

Guess my priorities SUCK. Granted, I am familiar with the gun grabbers in politics, and I am familiar with the phrase" when they come and get your guns. Not meaning to create any hard feelings, but who is "they"? The laws imposed by radical people are not enforced by the law makers. It takes boots on the ground to take anything away from the citizen. Is a fist full of papers going to stand well against a wall of resistance?
I just can't find the extra change for a NMLRA membership. Wished I could.
That being said, I do support and have supported the NRA for 60 years, but I feel that the organization is only a buffer between the law abiding citizen and the lawmakers. The citizen disagreeing, but standing shoulder to shoulder defending the constitutional rights of the United States of America will tell the tale of how many "They's" really want to take guns.
Well last week I sent a check off to the Iowa Black Powder Federation for my annual dues. I have not been a member for many years, and I realized that If I am firm believer on being a NMLRA member, I should put my money where my mouth is and join my State organization.

I am certain that they are listed in the magazine, but I could find it on the website.

I am going to be with the President of the NMLRA tomorrow for a few days and another board member. I will mention it to them.

I might send the NMLRA office an email as well. That info should be on the web if it is not.

I was a NRA member since the mid 70's, but started supporting the 2nd Amendment foundation when the NRA started pretending we were defending our right to go rabbit hunting, and decided it was okay to forget about the rest of the constitution.
I checked in Muzzle Blasts and there are a number of state reps listed for each state. Probably the best way to find what is in your actual area is to talk to the Regional Coordinator for District 5, Mid Western, Ron Gates, Cross Timbers, MO 417-998-6535
we don't have that organization up here, although i imagine i could join it. I'm sure they'd take my money....