winter wipe solution

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40 Cal.
Feb 19, 2005
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i need some winter wipe ideas. 1/2 murphy soap oil and 1/2 alcohol didnt work last afternoon at 10 degrees for some reason.. i mixed a squirt of dish soap and the rest pure alcohol for trial today.. what do you guys use for cold weather wipe solution? thanks, dave.
Cheapo, blue windshield washer solution. I've used it for many years without any problems. It does contain ammonia so make sure you follow up with a good soap and water scrubbing when you can.
ffffg said:
i need some winter wipe ideas. 1/2 murphy soap oil and 1/2 alcohol didnt work last afternoon at 10 degrees for some reason.. i mixed a squirt of dish soap and the rest pure alcohol for trial today.. what do you guys use for cold weather wipe solution? thanks, dave.
You might give Hoppe's No9 "Plus" BP Solvent & Patch Lube a try...I haven't used it in that cold of a condition but have used it in the high 20's during the low humidity dry months of winter here in NC...both as a bore wipe and as a patch lube...outstanding stuff.

Last winter I switched from NL1000 patch lube to Hoppe's in the low humidity dry consitions and it lets me shoot 50 shot range sessions wihout wiping between shots at all...just like NL1000 does the other 8 months of the year
I used W/W solution to clean with yesterday, heated, after soaking barrel with boiling water and pouring out I filled with hot W/W fluid and let soak 5 minutes then pour out. Took 2 patches damp with G0-Jo white hand cleaner to clean up after dumping it out, then couple dry patches. This after I had shot 20-some times with Pyro no less, which is harder to clean than regular BP. It seems to work better than soapy water to clean Pyro fouling. I used it to scrub the lock area also, did a good job of it. I use Go-Jo for patch lube, it stays juicy here but it don't get down to 10* until January, I haven't tryed it in really cold temp.
roundball said:
ffffg said:
i need some winter wipe ideas. 1/2 murphy soap oil and 1/2 alcohol didnt work last afternoon at 10 degrees for some reason.. i mixed a squirt of dish soap and the rest pure alcohol for trial today.. what do you guys use for cold weather wipe solution? thanks, dave.
You might give Hoppe's No9 "Plus" BP Solvent & Patch Lube a try...I haven't used it in that cold of a condition but have used it in the high 20's during the low humidity dry months of winter here in NC...both as a bore wipe and as a patch lube...outstanding stuff.

Last winter I switched from NL1000 patch lube to Hoppe's in the low humidity dry consitions and it lets me shoot 50 shot range sessions wihout wiping between shots at all...just like NL1000 does the other 8 months of the year
I also use the Hoppe's #9 Plus. It is really good stuff. :grin: I threw the bore butter, lard and bees wax and all the other crap right in the garbage. I live in Northern NY and have shot in 20 below with it. Never a problem! It's worth the money when your finger tips are numb and your fighting to get a rb down your barrel.
So far, as a patch lube I've only tried the Hoppes at the range...and they keep a bore so clean that even after a 50 shot session, I pump flush the barrel in a bucket of hot soapy water and barely get a trace of coloration out of the bore.

I use NL1000 prelubed patches during the spring/summer/fall months at the range...mainly because I've accumulated so many bags of Oxyoke and TC pre-lubed patches I could open up my own business :grin: ...gotta keep using them or sell them.

And I still use NL1000 for all hunting as I have years of confidence that it won't mess with the powder...doesn't get as cold here in NC as it does in northern NY.

PS: I grew up on a farm just above you, West of the Ballston Spa/Saratoga area...but have lived in southern states for about 40 years now...miss those Adirondacks...beautiful country
wasnt much of a fight John, :nono: ramed a broken ramrod into my finger last night.. ill give you a tip, brush all the blood off your gear before it thaws when you get home,, then its alot harder to get off.. i lost that battle all the way around... :cursing: dave
ffffg said:
wasnt much of a fight John, :nono: ramed a broken ramrod into my finger last night.. ill give you a tip, brush all the blood off your gear before it thaws when you get home,, then its alot harder to get off.. i lost that battle all the way around... :cursing: dave
Glad you weren't hurt worse...I'd read enough examples on various Forums about serious injuries, not to mention interrupted hunts, from broken wooden ramrods that I gradually replaced every one of my TC rods with brass ones...most are solid brass, a few tubular brass, both types are extremely strong
Soory to hear about the broken RR incident. Most RRs that come with manufactured guns are made of poor quality wood, sometimes not even out of hickory. They most often show signs of grain run-out. Those are the dangerous ones, and should be replaced. If you have a good straight grained Hickory rod, however, it will be flexible, and will last years without any danger of breaking, unless Uncle Harry sits on it!

I have range rods for my rifle and fowler, but I made my wiping rod for my Double Barreled shotgun, out of hickory that is fairly stout. I have not found anything it won't do for me, in that gun, so I have not bought a Range Rod for it. The factory ramrod is still sitting in a corner looking for someone to give it a job! It may make some good dowel pins for some project sometime.
what do you guys use for cold weather wipe solution?

Normally, I lay a cleaning patch on my tongue as I dig my jag out and then spit wipe (every fifth or tenth shot, depending on how easy or hard she's loading that day.

Stumpy's Moose Juice

A general purpose blackpowder solvent and liquid patch lube. Shake well before using

Castor Oil 3 oz.
Murphy's Oil Soap 1 oz.
Witch Hazel 4 oz.
Isopropyl Alcohol (91%) 8 oz.
Water (non-chlorinated) 16 oz.

I dip my patching in this twice and let it dry between. Makes a semi-dry patch material that's easy to carry & use. If you don't mind carrying a little bottle it's a GREAT liquid lube as is.

Your alcohol/Murphy's would probably be OK if you cut the Murphy's to about 20% or 25% and added some water. I don't know that detergent or any soap does much, anyway, without the presence of some water. Note that with car antifreeze - pure Prestone doesn't work as well as Prestone mixed with water. Water is the best blackpowder solvent; the other ingredients just help carry the fouling away or help carry/drive the water off after it's done it's job. Don't be afraid to have some water in with your alcohol based lubes or solvents. Hoppes B.P. & T/C #13 blackpowder solvents are largely water.
oh boy howdy!!!!.. i ordered 26 dolars worth from mikes, and saw a bottle at the store today for 11 dollars, went to the range, the bottle started freezing at the nozzel and read the label and it said do not store below 32 degrees!!!!.. this is at 10 degrees.. at 20 below i doubt anyone will be wiping with it.. i was having good success with pure denatured alcohol with a squirt of dish soap today in a 4 ounce bottle.. no water or at least very little in cold weather for wipe... dave