I mentioned this in another similar (almost identical) topic not too long ago. I like practical shooting. How about a "bark the squirrel" target? Wherein the idea is to not hit the mark. Maybe a neco wafer or mini clay, or small cookie, something about the size of a squirrel's head that is easily damaged, taped or glued to a piece of graph paper. The shooter to come closest to the object without busting it winds the round.
An archery club near me used to run a hunter's shoot 3-D event every year. The rules were different than a regular 3-D shoot and a deer and/or other game animal silhouette could be used on the same principle with muzzleloaders. Rather than 3 shooting stakes for 3 different divisions, the 3 stakes were placed at different distances from the target, and sometimes a closer stake was not necessarily easier, the angle might be tough (or unethical) or there might be more brush in the way, shooter might have to shoot from an odd position to make the shot from that stake. Each stake was worth a different amount of points, the furthest worth the most the closest worth the least. The shooter chose the stake they would shoot from. But, there is a catch, well, actually two. 1st, if the shooter made the shot into the vitals they got the points the stake was worth, but, if the shooter hit the target anywhere but the vital scoring area they would incur a negative point penalty of the stake's value. So a 10 point stake with a hit outside the vitals would score a -10. However, a complete miss results in no score at all, the shooter doesn't gain points, but also doesn't have points subtracted from their score.
Catch number 2. The shooter may not back up a stake.
If the shooter rejects the furthest stake and proceeds to the next one and finds the angle, or obstructions too difficult, they may not go back to the furthest stake. They either have to try to make the shot from there, or, go to the closest stake for less points. Remember though, that a hit to the vitals from the closest stake may be better than a wounding hit or complete miss from the middle or furthest stake.