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Jul 11, 2022
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I’m thinking about trying a conical in my long rifle. The guy at Colerain recommended the REAL bullet from Lee. I realize the slow twist is for balls but wanted to try it in a 45 to get a heavier projectile. Could some of you guys give me advice on how you load a conical? Thanks in advance.
Get the lightest weight REAL conical bullet. Use pure lead as the leading bands are designed to engrave on the rifling on loading. A hard mix of lead alloy, such as wheel weights, will be difficult to start and load. The grooves should be filled with a bit of grease. The base bands are right at the land-to-land diameter so the base bands will align the conical bullet in the barrel and the top bands are larger in diameter to engrave on loading. A mix of bee's wax and olive oil will do to fill the grooves. There are some commercial products that will work also.
Get the lightest weight REAL conical bullet. Use pure lead as the leading bands are designed to engrave on the rifling on loading. A hard mix of lead alloy, such as wheel weights, will be difficult to start and load. The grooves should be filled with a bit of grease. The base bands are right at the land-to-land diameter so the base bands will align the conical bullet in the barrel and the top bands are larger in diameter to engrave on loading. A mix of bee's wax and olive oil will do to fill the grooves. There are some commercial products that will work also.
Thank you, should I use a wadding or card over the powder?
A felt wad under the conical has always helped my accuracy. Sometimes significantly. If you’re shooting .45 cal conicals use a .50 caliber felt wad. I’ve had good luck in all my slow twist guns shooting conicals this way. I like patch and ball but also enjoy casting and experimenting with different bullets.
I've tried every known gimmick bullet under the sun in my 1:66 twist rifles.

A drug addled monkey with failing eyesight could throw bullets downrange and achieve better accuracy.

Hey I resemble that remark 😊
Track of the wolf has its ‘ball-etts. Very short minies and hollow based. I think .50 is in the 220 grain range of weight, I shot some in a .50 with 1/66 twist. Shot ok, ( 3-4” at fifty yards) while a ball was under an inch and a half
I doubt they would get much better ballistic scores then a ball, should hold velocity a tad better but not so much Bambi would notice.
My best accuracy has always been with prb. I've tried conicals in more than one gun and "okay" was the best I ever got.
Also the same result my best accuracy was just ok, A patched Round Ball is so hard to beat there just plain old accurate and deadly…
I’m thinking about trying a conical in my long rifle. The guy at Colerain recommended the REAL bullet from Lee. I realize the slow twist is for balls but wanted to try it in a 45 to get a heavier projectile. Could some of you guys give me advice on how you load a conical? Thanks in advance.
Conicals are not ideal for flint guns as the twists are almost always to slow and they eat out flash hole liners just as they do nipple orifices from the increased pressure they make.
I’m thinking about trying a conical in my long rifle. The guy at Colerain recommended the REAL bullet from Lee. I realize the slow twist is for balls but wanted to try it in a 45 to get a heavier projectile. Could some of you guys give me advice on how you load a conical? Thanks in advance.
I would try the 200 gr .45 REAL with a starting load of 3 f 60gr n work up to see how good or bad the accuracy gets

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