PA Game Commission to Ruin Flintlock Season?

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What Billybob is shooting doesn’t affect me.
Maybe not. Maybe....
I know this will offend some,,, I don't care, it is purely observational on my part but I know what I see and experience, and all of our opinions are based on what we see and experience....
I've never encountered someone with a traditional muzzleloader, certainly not one of the more well thought out factory recreations or custom/semi-custom muzzleloaders, that I could follow through the woods by tracking their litter or that had total disregard for other hunters and their space. I can not say that for guys with modern inlines or modern dedicated slug shotguns.

The modern folks have their time. There is no reason why the traditionalists shouldn't have ours too.
Nope, I don't agree at all. I'll quit hunting if I have to wear that junk. Same as all the other things the government mandates to keep me "safe". It's that
just curious, do you ware your seat belt? do you trust everyone running around in the woods with a gun? i dont trust anyone but me with a gun. just seems odd that we have to be told to protect ourselves. if you read most states hunting accident reports ,most shooting involve people not wearing orange and dressed up like they are on duck dynasty i truly hate orange but would not go hunting with out it.
Deer cannot see orange…
You're right, but they do see a relatively bright solid block of color, likely a light gray, that is clearly out of place in the woods.

Here's some of the latest research if you'd like to sit through it:

Heard a rumor at a gun show today that the PA Game Comm. is considering allowing IN-LINES into the PA Flintlock special hunting season!! Can this be true?? What would be the point of a special Flint season then?? In-lines ain't even FLINTS! They're nothing more than watered-down modern rifles!

I heard a rumor that you that you do not follow the local, county and state rules while hunting and have sent them your IP address.
just curious, do you ware your seat belt? do you trust everyone running around in the woods with a gun? i dont trust anyone but me with a gun. just seems odd that we have to be told to protect ourselves. if you read most states hunting accident reports ,most shooting involve people not wearing orange and dressed up like they are on duck dynasty i truly hate orange but would not go hunting with out it.
Yep, I wear a seat belt because I want to, not because the authorities tell me I have to. Same with a life jacket in a boat. No one says I have to wear the life jacket but it's my choice, just like a motorcycle helmet where I live. Like I mentioned, wear whatever you want but leave me alone. If I get shot it's my problem and the jerk that did it will just have to live with it.
In the great state of Michigan you now can use whatever legal rifle you like in the lower peninsula during muzzle loader season. The upper where I’m at it is only muzzle loaders.
as far as the orange goes, it should be mandated thru all seasons. but it isn't, so you will find me wearing orange in all seasons. i either wear my camo orange vest or camo orange coat with a camo orange hat. i use UV Killer and Sports Wash (no scent, no UV) on my hunting clothes, except boxers!!! i have been using this for about 20 years and an earth scent gel (i take a drop on my camo orange hat when i am sitting). deer can see ultraviolet light and blue wavelengths that humans don't see. UV Killer and Sports Wash eliminates odors, UV and the brighteners that most clothes have.

i am all in for an early season for flintlocks.
Heard a rumor at a gun show today that the PA Game Comm. is considering allowing IN-LINES into the PA Flintlock special hunting season!! Can this be true?? What would be the point of a special Flint season then?? In-lines ain't even FLINTS! They're nothing more than watered-down modern rifles!
Honestly I can see why it would have even been brought up. It’s next to impossible to buy flintlock supplies anymore at a store. The only place I’m aware of relatively close to me is ft chambers and that’s an hour drive. I have said for years now that sidelock percussion rifles should be allowed in late season with the same stipulations we have with flintlocks (no scopes, single-shot,etc) To even buy a new flintlock anymore traditions is the only budget option with the deerhunter and pa powder, Lyman, investarms, and traditions both have midrange, and pedersoli has some nicer models, but a good flintlock is running you close to a grand if not more. It’s getting to the point where finding materials and purchasing a flintlock is cost prohibitive to so many people that we are losing a decent many who would otherwise hunt late season. P/c percussion sidekicks are much easier to find and I think would open the door up to more people as it would be more versatile in early season.
It would seem more logical to open it up to caplocks, rather than straight to inlines. There’s a learning curve to flintlocks that I think keeps some people from considering it (and also the explosion in your face).
as far as the orange goes, it should be mandated thru all seasons
Not directed at you specifically @tdoyka as several have expressed similar, yours was just the most expedient line to quote....

Why, "mandated"? Freedom is about choices, liberty is about the freedom to make those choices. Freedom and liberty are often messy as sometimes people make poor choices, sometimes people make the right choice for them but someone else's decision and choice results in harm.
I've been 5 yards away from a large someone wearing a solid blaze orange vest and a blaze orange hat and couldn't see him,,,, the orange wasn't going to stop the person who makes the choice to shoot at sound and movement from shooting him.
I should get a fine, and possibly loose hunting privileges, because I have on 100 or 200 square inches of orange instead of 400? Or because I'm out doing my experiencial archeology thing and hunting in full period clothing with period gear? I should get punished by the government when I've used my freedom and liberty to decide I am okay with the risk, and possible consequences of someone doing something stupid?

If blaze is so effective why doesn't everyone in the woods and fields have to wear it during hunting season? I have a ludicrous amount of hikers, dog walkers, mountain bikers, mushroom hunters,,,,, and,, anti hunters, all over the woods with no orange. All the orange does is single me out as the guy with the gun.

Now, I do in fact keep a blaze orange bandana handy at all times to flag down other hunters regardless of season and what I'm wearing.
Actually I always have it, and a blaze orange watch cap with me in the woods and field in case I need to draw attention or if I get hurt and might need to be found, I can put the cap on and be a little more visible to searchers.
Yep, I wear a seat belt because I want to, not because the authorities tell me I have to. Same with a life jacket in a boat. No one says I have to wear the life jacket but it's my choice, just like a motorcycle helmet where I live. Like I mentioned, wear whatever you want but leave me alone. If I get shot it's my problem and the jerk that did it will just have to live with it.
Crisco, you sir , are my new idol. I like old fellas that ain’t easy to push around and is a lil cranky. 👍
I don’t agree with adding different means of ignition to the flintlock season. As of this year it is still called FLINTLOCK .
As to the orange , i dont have a problem. Most of my warm weather hunting gear is a camo orange , orange background with leaves and sticks . Early season i wore a vest with an orange ball cap and i knew i was the only one in the woods for those thee days.
here in nw minnesota there were less then 2 handful's of hunters during the muzzleloader season this is because of several things in my opinion.
1. it's always to damn cold and windy although this year wasn't as bad as in the past only 3-4 days sub zero with wind 10-20 mph
2. the deer have learned that showing themselves during shooting light is not good so now we rarely see any until about 15 to 5pm and end of shooting by the last day is 5
3. now also most of society isn't satisfied with getting a deer if it's not a 140 class buck they don't shoot and if they can't find it until 2 days after the critters get it that's fine also all they want is the horns

I accept the blame for some of this as I in the early 2000's we had no deer so i told everybody only 1 doe per family (at that we were 4 families about 20 plus hunter's on 460 acres) 2years later after the herd had recovered and we implemented buck restrictions ( outside the ears or in front of the nose) but they won't shoot a doe now.

we've culled down the number of hunters only 2 families and now the "adults" +/- 40 yr old's won't shoot anything but a mature buck and won't allow their kids to shoot anything but a big buck

sorry for the rant
I hope they don't mess with flintlock season. As I understand it was initially proposed, lobbied and created specifically as a traditional primitive hunting season. It's awful hard to wear buckskins and furs safely when there are modern rifles and orange requirements in the woods. There is plenty of other time to extend the season if they want to make it more available without infringing on flintlock. This year 27 Oct to 29 Nov and 15 Dec - 25 Dec were closed to whitetail. It's extended regular firearms season here in Allegheny county (they did away with flintlock in 3 wmus already) and I might see 1 car at the SGL in wexford , maybe 1/4 of the time when I drove past. Most days I don't see anyone parked on the lane at the abutting gun club that leads back to the hunting area and the SGL.
Not directed at you specifically @tdoyka as several have expressed similar, yours was just the most expedient line to quote....

Why, "mandated"? Freedom is about choices, liberty is about the freedom to make those choices. Freedom and liberty are often messy as sometimes people make poor choices, sometimes people make the right choice for them but someone else's decision and choice results in harm.
I've been 5 yards away from a large someone wearing a solid blaze orange vest and a blaze orange hat and couldn't see him,,,, the orange wasn't going to stop the person who makes the choice to shoot at sound and movement from shooting him.
I should get a fine, and possibly loose hunting privileges, because I have on 100 or 200 square inches of orange instead of 400? Or because I'm out doing my experiencial archeology thing and hunting in full period clothing with period gear? I should get punished by the government when I've used my freedom and liberty to decide I am okay with the risk, and possible consequences of someone doing something stupid?

If blaze is so effective why doesn't everyone in the woods and fields have to wear it during hunting season? I have a ludicrous amount of hikers, dog walkers, mountain bikers, mushroom hunters,,,,, and,, anti hunters, all over the woods with no orange. All the orange does is single me out as the guy with the gun.

Now, I do in fact keep a blaze orange bandana handy at all times to flag down other hunters regardless of season and what I'm wearing.
Actually I always have it, and a blaze orange watch cap with me in the woods and field in case I need to draw attention or if I get hurt and might need to be found, I can put the cap on and be a little more visible to searchers.
From the Pa Hunting Digest 2024-25:

It is unlawful to be on State Game Lands from Nov. 15 through Dec. 15, including Sundays
designated as hunting days, without wearing a minimum of 250 square inches of fluorescent
orange-colored material on the head, chest and back combined, unless engaged in lawful hunting
or trapping that does not require the use of orange.

In these parts if you don't have FO on public game lands during hunting season it can cost you
Yep, I wear a seat belt because I want to, not because the authorities tell me I have to. Same with a life jacket in a boat. No one says I have to wear the life jacket but it's my choice, just like a motorcycle helmet where I live. Like I mentioned, wear whatever you want but leave me alone. If I get shot it's my problem and the jerk that did it will just have to live with it.
I don't stand downrange when the rifles are shooting....but I could. I don't drive 100mph in residential areas.....but I could.

Hunting is not a right, it's a privilege. Don't follow the rules and it can cost you. Nobody's special, it's pretty simple.

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