Pyrodex or T7

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Ed oetzel

Sep 29, 2006
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I have a renegade and a white mountain carbine both 50cal and shooting conicals....what powder do you prefer? not interested in black powder at this time
The only misfires/hangfires I've ever had (over 50 years) in a sidelock was while using Triple 7. I have a bunch of the stuff, and now use it in revolvers only. I will not replace it when it is gone. Been using Pyrodex since 1977, no problems with it. If I really wanted to use 777, I would use a musket cap. Others report good results with 777 in sidelocks, I am only sharing my experiences.
I have a renegade and a white mountain carbine both 50cal and shooting conicals....what powder do you prefer? not interested in black powder at this time
I’d start the decision making process with which one lights up properly without issues every time in your guns. What have you discovered at the range? If there are zero ignition concerns, go with accuracy or maybe convenience, doesn’t really matter to me. Something you have to figure out for yourself with your guns and situation. I know what my guns prefer, and it’s not up to me, but that wasn’t your question.
While I am not familiar with T7 as I never shot it I have used pyrodex a lot in the past before I came to this forum and starting using black powder.

The fellas say that T7 is less of a clean up hassle and stinks less, so if I had to chose, I'd grab that can of T7. Pyrodex smells terrible when cleaning it up.
The fellas say that T7 is less of a clean up hassle and stinks less, so if I had to chose, I'd grab that can of T7. Pyrodex smells terrible when cleaning it up.
T7 cleans easy and packs a punch.
Can’t go wrong with smells good when cleaning, plus it packs a punch. No reason to worry about ignition or accuracy. Guess I’m old school, basing my decisions on actual performance.
Why no interest in black powder?
It performs much better than any of the substitutes, and cleanup is easier.
It’s a fair question. Personally think there’s several possible reasons as to why not just BP?

Availability? Some areas of the country it’s near impossible to find, and if found sellers tend to inflate prices to an unreasonable degree. Yes, why not order on line and pay the ridiculous hazmat fees, shipping, and any other taxes seen or unseen?

Or maybe you can just go into any other sporting goods section of any retailer and buy the Substitute’s right off the shelf .

State laws and local ordinances have a lot to play in BP availability. Pro and Anti gun state legislation along with all the red tape varies per state.

Governmental requirements both Federal and State for proper storage requirements for both seller and consumer.

The list goes on and on my friend. Personally I use both BP and Substitute’s. I save my BP for shooting my flintlock’s and use my substitute’s for my percussion guns. Trying to keep well stocked up on both.

Respectfully, Cowboy
Why no interest in black powder?
It performs much better than any of the substitutes, and cleanup is easier.
Response is outside of the scope OP….
what powder do you prefer? not interested in black powder at this time
Would have to assume that the OP lives in an area that outlaws internet ordering of blackpowder or some other concerns, so we need to assist them finding a sub for their muzzleloader, obviously not that common of a dilemma.
Pyrodex. It's more economical than t7 and volumetricaly probably more shots per pound. At least that's the case comparing Pyrodex and BP. Some prefer one and some the other. They are all getting good results regardless of choice so apparently once you choose you should be able to arrive at loads that work for you.
Response is outside of the scope OP….

Would have to assume that the OP lives in an area that outlaws internet ordering of blackpowder or some other concerns, so we need to assist them finding a sub for their muzzleloader, obviously not that common of a dilemma.
Pyrodex RS vs Triple 7 FFG

AS far as what’s superior between the two?

It’s reasonable to assume from reading the responses that both brands have generated both positive and negative results.

My humble opinion would be to purchase one of both if personally feasible, and make that judgment based on your own personal experience.

Respectfully, Cowboy
For what it’s worth, I recently watched a video from a YouTube personality comparing Triple 7 and Pyrodex. Based on his tests, Pyrodex seemed to have a slight edge in accuracy. It’s certainly worth a watch; I’ll let you come to your own conclusions.


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