Maybe they're on one of those squirrel migrations.
Kentucky squirrel hunting report.
I have not squirrel hunted in the last two days but I have been bow hunting. While sitting in my ground blind mornings and evenings I have noticed a change is squirrel behavior. Specifically, there is as much, if not more, activity during the evenings than mornings now.
Another big change is, I’ve been seeing quite a few squirrels on the ground during the evenings. This is a marked difference than during the mornings when squirrels much prefer to remain up in the trees. However, my last squirrel hunting trip during the morning I did see a couple of squirrels starting to move on the ground.
Yesterday evening I watched a younger squirrel no more than 3 feet from my ground blind packing an old walnut in his mouth. It was definitely from last year as it was black and had the wrinkles on the sides. As I stood up and stuck my head out of my blind window, I was looking darn near straight down at the squirrel. He stopped, dug a hole and buried that walnut. The interesting aspect of this is, I don’t have a walnut tree on my property. Go figure!
Also, for at least 2-3 hours there were other squirrels moving on the ground. Some were packing hickory nuts to wherever they were going and the squirrel ground activity was almost constant in one place or another. Without doubt I’m seeing more squirrels in my small patch of woods now than were there a couple of weeks ago. There just happens to be about 6-8 hickory trees down there that have hickory nuts on them.
This tells me the squirrels are out there but have widely dispersed from where they might have been last spring. They have absolutely travelled into some locations from other places. Squirrels definitely travel for food. I’m seeing many squirrels in locations that I hunted during the spring squirrel season that were not there then. They are on the move. Many times so far this fall squirrel season I have heard and witnessed squirrels fighting in a territorial warning fashion. IMO, this is not uncommon but there appears to be more of this now than usual. Again, indicating they are on the move for whatever suitable food there is out there.
I am not sure if this cooler weather we have been experiencing the last 2-3 days has anything to do with the increased evening activity. However, one thing is for sure, the squirrels here are being seen on the ground during the evenings.
In addition, I’ve noticed that some trees that did have an abundance of hickory nuts and/or walnuts are now bare of such. The squirrels have cleaned them out. Due to the extreme dry conditions, many leaves have already turned colors and have fallen from the trees. This makes it easy to see any nut crops that might still be hanging on up in certain trees.
An additional note here. There appears to be a fair amount of hickory trees that are bearing nice, big hickory nuts but evidently the squirrels do not find them tasty at this time. Many times this fall season I have seen squirrels run up into hickory trees, grab a hickory nut, chew on it for only a short time, then move on to another tree. In some instances, I’ve watched squirrels do this and not even cut completely through the outer shell before they drop it and move on.
Summary: Squirrels are out there. Many have traveled to wherever the good food source is. It may appear that there is a lack of squirrels in certain locations, but that’s only due to the fact they have traveled on somewhere else for food.
Good hunting to all.