Just gave my .54 GPR a “test” firing. It works.
I have 2F subs, 3F Triple 7 and 3F Swiss. The test was with Swiss and a few patches, no ball in case it didn’t fire.
I will -NOT- be using the set trigger. I’m fine with the already light front trigger as is. It is like shooting an old S&W N frame .44, couple pound trigger, mere ounces if used single action or set trigger.
I have way more 2F than I do 3F. In order to stretch out my supply, considering a 2F main with a 3F “kicker”. My friend that left it to me would use anywhere from 15-35gr of loose powder, under 2 .50/50 Pyrodrek or T7 pellets. Worked okay, very accurate, tolerable recoil, easy enough cleaning, but the stench would gag a maggot. Not real fond of pellets in a side lock but…
The 3F T7 can lists .45 and .50 loads, with a 100gr max load. So 110-120gr max in a .54 “should” be okay? Is the 3F Swiss about the same in a rifle? I’ve shot both in my ROA, Swiss smells better, they shoot to the same poi in a 7.5” barrel. Loaded volume for volume, add ball, seat, wipe with bore gup.
The GPR is AZ (1990) proofed, 299XXX serial range. Fits me like it was made for my 6’2” 240# frame. My TC .50 does not, so the GPR is going to be my hunting rifle, I have a hog shoot coming up when it cools off. GPR and a restocked open iron sighted unmentionable of the Simonov persuasion. Just looking for a good starting load for straight 3F, or duplexed with a 2F main charge. Thanks y’all.