Hey all, I’ve got a traditions Crockett that’s giving me nightmares when it comes to cleaning.
I’m not sure if this is normal, or this particular rifle is a problem child, or if I’m just an idiot…or possibly all 3.
First time around got my jag stuck so solid I had to lock my cleaning rod (steel rod) down in a vice and was barely able to get it out with every ounce of my being.
Went and shaved down my jag a bit and cut my patch in half and tried again…AND…stuck again. Still needed the vice but didn’t have to break myself in half to get it out.
I shaved a bit more off the jag and started cutting my patches into circles that have to be just the right diameter. Now it seems to work, but it still sticks and is jerky and not smooth at all. And sometimes it drops the patch.
I just can’t seem to find a middle ground here.
So now I’m still stuck with a lesser headache and custom made patch worm as the real one I have is slightly too large. The whole situation is barely functional at best.
It’s very disappointing because I really enjoy shooting this rifle and this situation has completely taken the wind out of my sails.