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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. N

    Purple/Red-Black dye for Linen ?

    I splurged on a 100% flax linen hunting frock this year, but it's "natural" colored. I'm looking for some dyestuff that approximates a regional favorite - sort of purplish, really dark red/blackish color. Originally it was probably some plant type indigenous to the MD/VA tidewater area. One...
  2. N

    Ulu knives..

    My AK experience was that the Ulu is primarily a women's food prep knife, used mainly on fish. I saw them used in fish camp on salmon, and I've seen Inupiak use them on whale meat. But I'm not an Anthropologist (that would be my Wife), so I Googled it for more info. See...
  3. N

    Your impressions of Lyman GPR?

    The GPR is a Great rifle - decent workmanship, nice ergonomics and it can be had new for a great price. My experience with conicals is limited to the Hornady PA units (like a Buffalo Ballette). My groups with a tight PRB are way better than my experience with the PA conicals. Side by side...
  4. N

    Lyman Great Plains Rifle

    If Consumer Reports did a review of traditional BP rifles, the GPR would definitely rate the coveted "Best Buy, CR Recomendation". I spent months, literally, reviewing info and looking at commercially produced rifles before settling on a GPR. My other piece is custom and hand-made, so my...
  5. N

    French Muskets (fusils) - St.Etienne

    Outstanding idea. I commend you for setting an example worthy of emulation for the many would-be amateur historians on this forum. Most of them, while well meaning, have had no guidance and they don't know how to do proper research themselves or evaluate the research of others. Those of us...
  6. N

    A bud dug this up awhile ago

    Brief forensic observations, food-for-thought category: For sure it's "old", but if it's 19th cent., it spent most of it's life above ground. If that came up with a moldboard, or a shank, it wasn't any deeper than about 15" down. That's well within reach of plant roots, surface-source...
  7. N

    Hornary or Speer

    I'll bite - I use .610 Buffalo Balls and find them excellent. I also have Warren/Ozone Mt. .610s and they have some serious, visible to the naked eye, out-of-round issues. Considering how expensive they are that's pretty sad. Got so many Speer and Hornady .490 on sale that I haven't shot any...
  8. N

    Ear plugs AND Ear muffs?

    The "wisdom of the aged" is pretty clear in this thread. I was lucky and after a few ear-hammering sessions with chainsaws as a teenager, I figured out it was way better to be slightly uncomfortable for a short time, than deaf for a long time. To anyone who says, "look at the NRRs on these...
  9. N

    jackie brown

    His website appears to be disabled as well. Hmmm, maybe not a good sign. Here is his phone #, it was working when I called him about 5 months ago - 662-223-4699. I'm a Jackie Brown customer with recent experience ( last Fall ), if you need an evaluation/reccomendation I could do that.
  10. N

    Cure for nasty canteen taste?

    Aye, I thought better of that myself, remembering that some of Wellington's boys in Spain wore French items at times (I doubt tunics though - good way to get shot, and that was my point !). Outerwear of the typical non-standard type (i.e.; capotes, fur trimmed winter hats, etc.) seem much less...
  11. N

    Cure for nasty canteen taste?

    Best solution is probably to go with the Brit canteen. Back in the day there was no shame in using enemy equipment if it had superior functionality ( as long as it wasn't uniform clothing !). Canteens weren't anything like the "Government Issue" we're used to today. For example, Napoleon's...
  12. N

    GPR patent breech?

    Yeah, I think implements up to a .32 size will fit into the patent extension. I usually don't brush it myself. It's the only thing I ever use a loop jag for ('cause I got one for free and it doesn't do much good on anything else). I've used a .308 brush and it fit, but that mates to a...
  13. N

    GPR patent breech?

    Aye, same barrel and plug configuration on all GPRs - but different locks and calibres. If you want the authoritative answer, Lyman's web site has the product manual available for viewing, or download, in PDF format. Same manual for all model GPRs also, BTW.
  14. N

    Gunflints from a shipwreck in Aberdeen?

    I don't know if these are "shipwreck" salvage, or what. However they're the only (purportedly) genuine Napoleonic era flints I've seen around lately -http://www.ima-usa.com/product_info.php/products_id/590?osCsid=7753e6a9e3e7b5791c2e76621022b934 If that link doesn't work, just go to the...
  15. N

    Proper Cleaning/ Your thoughts

    You've just embarked on a journey of excitement, intellectual stimulation, satisfaction......and perpetual cleaning. Unfortunately, you really want to clean your ML even if you just take one shot. Neutralize the corrosive elements, or suffer the consequences. Sounds like you got the basic...
  16. N

    Tar/Pitch to treat Butt ??

    Ahh, the real Tarheels are coming out of the woodwork now, so to speak. There's a community of maritime historians up in Annapolis (40 minutes in the wrong direction from here) that could probably put me on to "real marine tar". As for Cutler's Resin, is there something special about Pinon...
  17. N

    Tar/Pitch to treat Butt ??

    Thanks for your replies thusfar Gentlemen. I've got anecdotal evidence for this usage, and I'm not sure you could do more than speculate on the material used even if you had an extant example. To wit, a while back somebody was selling a piece that had a polymer treatment on the butt...
  18. N

    Tar/Pitch to treat Butt ??

    I've seen or heard a couple times that some plain guns ( probably of a Southern origin ) had a tar or pitch treatment applied to the butt in lieu of a metal, or horn, buttplate. I've got a plain smoothbore/fowler that's accreting wear and tear in the butt area and I thought I might try this...
  19. N

    How does this compare with your state?

    Maryland Hunting license is c. $25 /year and allows modern weapons use on most anything ( with some restrictions, of course ). Add $6 for Bowhunting, $6 for Muzzleloader Deer, and $6 for "Bonus Antlered Deer" stamps. Realistically, for about $38 you can hunt all year for almost anything but...
  20. N

    Bee's Wax

    Your not likely to beat a deal from your local beekeeper, and there's more of them out there than you may think ! But I found a cool deal in an unlikely place - Johnny's Selected Seeds in Maine (www.johnnysseeds.com). They sell Beeswax as Pellets in a 1 Lb. bag for $4.60 plus shipping. That's...