you ever bump into a feller that calls himself Waksupi?
Ric also posts on this forum but probably doesn't consider Montana as being "Midwest USA".
check out the Billings Rod & Gun Club, 1st Sunday of the month
Yellowstone Rifle Club, 4th Sunday
see Post #14 above
The Rod & Gun Club in located west of the airport.
Yellowstone Rifle Club is west of town on Molt Road.
I believe they both have web sites.
State with it's "first muzzleloader big game season" sounds like Montana.
9 day season starts this weekend. The elk have already been chased around for 3 months of archery & general firearms season, so it will be a hunt.
As stated above a 50 will do well within it's range. Just be willing to...
If you are interested, 1st Sunday every month the Rod & Gun Club holds a muzzle loader shoot.
3rd Sunday at the Yellowstone Rifle Club there is a little less formal get together.
Both are open to the public. Either one is a good place to meet like minded riflemen.