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    Howdy neighbor! Where do you shoot? ..
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    Montana roll call

    Steve, you ever bump into a feller that calls himself Waksupi? Ric also posts on this forum but probably doesn't consider Montana as being "Midwest USA". ..
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    low POI

    I'm not Matt but, would he bend the barrel muzzle up? ..
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    Montana roll call

    J2, check out the Billings Rod & Gun Club, 1st Sunday of the month Yellowstone Rifle Club, 4th Sunday ..
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    Montana Heritage Muzzleloader Season

    Hammer1Down, I say that is one MONSTER whitetail you have there! ..
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    Montana roll call

    see Post #14 above The Rod & Gun Club in located west of the airport. Yellowstone Rifle Club is west of town on Molt Road. I believe they both have web sites. ..
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    Greetings from Montana

    Howdy from the dry side! [ or on this board it's called the "Midwest" ;) Montana roll call ] ..
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    I'm back, finally!

    I beg to differ, we may be past our Best By date but our expiry date is yet to be determined. ;) ..
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    New Guy

    Mtman725, Welcome from the dry side. ..
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    .50 Calber for Elk?

    State with it's "first muzzleloader big game season" sounds like Montana. 9 day season starts this weekend. The elk have already been chased around for 3 months of archery & general firearms season, so it will be a hunt. As stated above a 50 will do well within it's range. Just be willing to...
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    New Hunter

    good luck, shoot straight ..
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    Montana roll call

    If you are interested, 1st Sunday every month the Rod & Gun Club holds a muzzle loader shoot. 3rd Sunday at the Yellowstone Rifle Club there is a little less formal get together. Both are open to the public. Either one is a good place to meet like minded riflemen. ..
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    Montana roll call

    J2, where do you shoot? ..
  14. B

    Type of weapon native Americans fighting with the French use?

    As far as firearms, they probably were not opposed to using battle field pick ups. ..
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    Montana roll call

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    Checking out a Hawken

    yup, it does appear to "sort of" like that load. What patch & loob? Maybe try some 2f next range session. ..
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    Rear sight placement?

    the answer is in your post, "it has definitely helped my groups". ..
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    20 ga English fowler

    SECONDS! ..
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    Places to buy quality used guns?

    you live in Tennessee and can't find a muzzleloader? You need to get out more :wink: lots of good replies so far. mine is pure wisearse. ..
  20. B

    58 smoothbore loads

    70 grains 2F Goex half of a fiber wad lubed with neat's-foot oil .575 RB (sprue up) other half of fiber wad ram it all down prime pan with 4f shoot