1860 Army .44

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May 17, 2005
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I've been looking at the dragoons and Walkers for a .44 and not liking them being over 4 pounds. I completely missed the 1860 Army - built on the lighter frame it's just a couple ounces over the Navies.

Does anyone shoot one of these? Do you have to load weak charges because of the light frame? I'd love to hear from someone with experience with this pistol.
If the 1860 has a steel frame there is no need to load a weak charge.

The 1860 Colt is the .44 caliber pistol that was the main battle sidearm the Union used during the Civil War.

It replaced the Dragoons and although it's 25-30 grain powder charge is lighter than the Dragoons it is anything but a flimsy underpowered gun.

As for the number of people who shoot these I would guess probably 60 percent of our pistol shooting members.

Why not more? Because not everyone can afford to buy one. :grin:
What he said;
I like the 1860 Army, it was my introduction piece to cap&ball.
But a guy made me an offer for the one I had I just couldn't refuse.
My 8" Pietta 1860 .44 weighs 1oz more than my 7½" Pietta 1851 .36. The major difference in handling is the long Army grip frame of the 1860. It's the only grip profile I like better than the SAA/Navy.
I love mine! It shoots a foot high at 25 yards but groups well. I load 30 grain 3F and It has some snap to it! No wimpy gun by a long shot! Geo. T.
I sure like mine although I don't shoot it much any more. Generally the only time I shoot is for a match and usually reach for the target Rem Pietta or the ROA because of the better sights. I think the 60 is just as accurate as either of the other two though. I've only ever shot it with 30 grain loads of 3F and have no idea of how well it would do with my target loads of 15 grains of 3F and 20 grains of cream of wheat on top. MD
I'm curious as to whether or not anyone hunts with an 1860. I'd think with 30 grns and a RB it wouldn't be enough unless the game was fairly small (
I cannot hunt with a cap n ball during the muzzleloader season, but it can accompany me as long as I have a muzzleloader. But I could hunt with it year round for non game animals (hogs, axis deer, and several types of goats and antelope).

I can hunt with it for deer during the regular season.

Our deer are rather small in most places, though in the southern and western portions of the state they get bigger, but most don't get much bigger than 125 lbs. We do have desert mule deer in the west, and it can be used on them as well. They allow .22 caliber centerfire cartridges now.
Marc Adamchek said:
Does anyone shoot one of these? Do you have to load weak charges because of the light frame? I'd love to hear from someone with experience with this pistol.
I have a Pietta 1860 Colt. I would feel naked with out it in the woods. I shoot 25 to 28 grains of 3f and a .454 round ball. I can hit a 3" circle at 20 yards no sweat. Its very reliable and all the punch you would normally need. I like the steal frame, I don't have to worry about lighter than normal charges and it is much lighter than my Colt Walker. I use it in case an unwanted critter should make its appearance. You can hunt deer in MO with it but I would hesitate on that.

HH 60

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