2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

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I only made it out for squirrels once this season, and not with the Cherokee. Just too busy, but that's good, really. Season closes in about half an hour today. Next season. Yeah, next September.....
Well, that just might strengthen your resolve for next year, eh?
Down here they have made squirrels a no season no limit because no one hunts them much. They are smaller but get all you need. This thread has got me looking for my #5 shot for my 28 gauge
Welcome to the Thread.
I just love hunting squirrels. I've used my Crockett Rifle the most. I have sweet little CVA double barrel shotgun I use also. I have to use Kibler SMR, it's a flintlock.
I live close to Croom, Jumper Creek, and a few other WMAs. I also have about 10 to 12 acres to hunt. Owner said squirrel and hog only, no deer or turkey. It's loaded with hickory and oaks. Just very busy at work, but go when I can.
Hope ya get 28ga out and enjoy some squirrel hunting.

Take Care Stay Safe
Guys, this post is about some different winter time squirrel hunting tactics I've tried, as well a report on some gear.

Considering winter time squirrel hunting can be quite difficult, for the most part, I've tried a couple of new tricks. Neither one was with a traditional ML, but the tactics are the same. The first one tried last week. Reason being, one newer location where I found some squirrel activity is fairly open but has a lot of thicker saplings and brush. It is darn difficult to get a shot at one of those squirrels as a result. What to do? Well, after pondering on it for a few days, I came up with a plan to take my climber stand in there one morning and climb only as high as I thought I needed to see well enough down into that thicker brushy stuff, then simply wait.

Due to how spooky the squirrels are in there, I knew I needed to be all settled in up in a tree before daylight. I hadn't been in there for a couple of months and then it was just a couple of times. I parked my truck, slung my stand over my back and headed out in the dark. Arrived at about where I thought I had seen some squirrels and den trees, but it wasn't.

After daylight I realized I was uphill too far. Too late to move by then so I stuck it out. I kept looking the best I could behind me and sure enough, there were some squirrels downhill a ways, as well as some den trees. All of the squirrels were out of range. Finally one squirrel was reaching for some buds up in the very top of a tree that was in range. I had to offhand shoot but managed to get the squirrel. One other squirrel walked out of a downed treetop, looked right at me, turned around and went back downhill out of range. That was the extent of my hunt for the day.

Even tough I came in uphill too far (in the black dark) it proved that that tactic works pretty well for thicker grounds during the winter time. It definitely gave me the edge I had been searching for. I could actually see pretty darn well down into the thick stuff even though I was only up maybe 15 feet at most.

The second tactic is, after I came down from the tree in my climber stand, I walked downhill a ways in fairly close proximity of those den trees where some squirrels hang out. There were no good trees to climb, so I decided this would be a good time and place to try out my tree seat. Suitable trees were few and far between so I settled on a small diameter tree that was facing those den trees. Its much more open over there and as spooky as those squirrels are, I knew that I didn't want to be sticking out and easy to see. So, I went to work finding some old down limbs and brush and brushed in part of the area on the side facing the den trees. It is on the side of a very steep hill. On the way out, I placed a couple of trail markers in some trees then went home.

A few days had passed since then and the weather was right this morning. I made sure to leave extra early to find my brushed in spot in the dark. Considering its only about 25 to 30 yards to a couple of those den trees, I placed some black duct tape over my LED then opened just enough of a hole in it to emit enough light for me to see a few feet. I found my brushed in, small tree, secured my tree seat to it, got put my Trigger Sticks in front of me, grabbed my rifle, then set there in the dark for about 35-40 minutes. At barely daylight I saw my first squirrel, but only due to it being skylined. Then, in the den tree about 20 yards southwest of that first den tree I saw two squirrels run up high, but again only by them being skylined.

I sat there for about 15 minutes more until one of the squirrels stopped on a large limb. It took a minute or so for me to move the Trigger Sticks around a little to line up for a shot. Due to being on a steep hillside, event though the Trigger Sticks are made for such, it still required a little work to get things as good as I could, took aim and fired. Down came the squirrel. Cool!

Remaining as still as I could, I noticed at least 5-6 more squirrels running and jumping around in nearby trees. I was in total camo, just like turkey hunting. Even a camo face mask, camo gloves, and my squirrel tool is now total camo as well. Gotta love camo duct tape.

A few minutes later I got a shot at my second squirrel. So, I had two down before 0730 hours. The nearby squirrels knew something was up and when I moved just a little, I got busted. I had a chance at one more squirrel and just about the time I was ready to fire, it jumped up into a den hole. I sat there for another hour and saw only one more squirrel, and it came up from behind. The party was over in that area for the day.

So, the climber stand definitely works this time a year and is a great option. However, I found out that unless a person climbs high, squirrels can still see you up there even when with all camo on. It definitely helps one when hunting this time of year in areas with few trees and lots of brush/saplings.

The tree seat worked out quite well, even though I was on a steep hillside and around a small, uneven tree. The back of the seat (behind the tree) was darn near on the ground, yet my legs were stretched out a bit to keep my feet on the ground. That small tree was, I think, a maple. It had slick bark and the rope was having a difficult time biting into the tree to stay on. So, I got a couple of my small, screw-in hooks that I use for up in a tree stand to hang my backpack on and screwed them in just below the rope on the back side of the tree. That prevented the rope from sliding down. I'm happy with the tree seat. For certain applications, its going to be great. Thank you, Tom for the recommendation.

Next up is, I gotta tell it as it is and fess up. I am now officially a proud cheater. Yep, my cheater sticks made all the difference in the world. Easily adjustable for all kinds of different positions, and I think I used just about every darn one of those this morning due to the steep location and being crammed between my tree and the down tree log that I used as the main part of my brushed in blind. I was as steady as one could expect under that situation. Very happy with my sticks. Thank you Jim K, aka "old wise one".

So there you have it. There's no denying that for late winter squirrel hunting, when those little furry things can see a mile through the woods, as well as being very spooky, it definitely helps a lot to try some other tactics and equipment to help your odds.

Pics on the way. Continued.


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Its much steeper than it appears in the pic. So much so, that when I slid down the hill to find my squirrels down in the very narrow bottom, I had to walk all the way around, back out to the road, then walk back in uphill. I could not walk back up that hillside, especially with such thick, slick leaves.

The den trees are on the other side of the drainage about half way up. Very steep.


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That seat looks great Ed. I’m glad it worked well.

I’ve used a climber also in one place. My old honey hole was logged probably 5 years ago and they hit one of my spots. They select cut and left plenty of hickory’s but all the tops and stuff growing makes it tough. So I hunted it with a climber that has a bar you sit on to go up. I made a stick to sit on the bar and rest my rifle on. It worked. I only went up high enough to see. Maybe 10’. I think I’ll try it again next season.
I was out this morning also. I saw maybe 8 squirrels. I had three in flintlock range. I missed one, one caught me moving into position for a shot and hi tailed it. The third had a nut in his mouth and was moving and never stopped.

I watched one about 70 yards away climbing up and down a tree putting leaves in a drey. No way could I even think of moving on it.

I’m battling vertigo and dizziness now for 6 weeks. I kinda look like a drunk in the woods. So I just watched her work. It was interesting.
I was out this morning also. I saw maybe 8 squirrels. I had three in flintlock range. I missed one, one caught me moving into position for a shot and hi tailed it. The third had a nut in his mouth and was moving and never stopped.

I watched one about 70 yards away climbing up and down a tree putting leaves in a drey. No way could I even think of moving on it.

I’m battling vertigo and dizziness now for 6 weeks. I kinda look like a drunk in the woods. So I just watched her work. It was interesting.
I’m so glad you were able to get out there. At least you had some action. I certainly hope the docs can get your health issue resolved.

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