On the way home from work one afternoon , noticed an oak woods up against a mature unharvested corn field. Motion clued me in to squirrels in the corn. Called the friend owning the oak woods , he said come on down. Daylight next morning , I was in the oak woods above the corn with my home built .36 cal. Snyder Co. Pa. percussion long rifle. Couldn't believe there was a big grey coming up out of the corn carrying a half ear of corn cob. Didn't think it possible he could carry that much. He was first in the bag. Soon another came up w/his cheeks and belly full of corn , he was next. On the way out back to my car , saw another grey sticking to the side of an oak tree , with his tail pressed up along his spine. My aim was slightly off , I'm a body shooter/lungs /heart , fired the shot , squirrel flopped from the tree. Was easily a 20+ yd. shot. I got squirrel , but not the edible part. Only half of a cleanly severed grey squirrel tail , lay in the leaves. Told the farmer where the shot was attempted , he called me the next day , and said he went and looked , and sure enough , got to see the half tail grey where I said it was. Looked healthy to him. We had a good laugh.