I made a comit yesterday that I had to Admit some Cheating

well I did.
I used this new fangled thingamajg
Most of my guns have a wedge pin and the barrel pops out easily. I would do so and remove nipples, place the barrel in a bucket half full with hot water and pump it clean.
I stated messing around with some flintlocks, I was fortunate enough to acquire a American Colonial and a SMR both have pinned barrels. After shooting them used water and patches over and over until clean. It worked. Maybe just me but it did take awhile to get clean. Then I removed the pins and the barrel, I did this with both guns. I did not damage anything but I know if I continued doing this it would happen, sooner or later.
Well, I received a gift from my
Feral Brother. Snakebit had sent me a universal flintlock flush kit. I never thought I would use one, figured I'll just do it the way they did it. After shooting my Colonial .58 Smoothbore I tried it out. I liked alot, loved it. Hooked it up to the barrel, set a half gallon of hot water in a milk jug next to the buttstock on the floor dropped in hose in and stated flushing it out. After a few pumps I replaced the water, I really didn't need to. Just wanted to see how much more fouling was left in the barrel. It was cleaned in no time with very few patches.
I know it's necessary but I liked and I will use the He!! Out Of That Flush Kit.
Thanks Snakebit.
Let's keep the Feralism Alive!