You asked, so here goes.
The wads don't wipe a thing. The fouling is BEHIND them. A press fit ball is in front of them. I believe the 8-10,000 psi from the burning powder vaporizes the lube, like how a diesel engine works. The lube turns into a cloud and coats the bore as well as mixes with the fouling and carries it out of the bore. Maybe, this is only theory and would be hard to prove. Here's something to think about.
Last Sunday I shot my 62 police 15 shots with powder and a ball with a lubed wad in between. The bore had a thin film of fouling but the rifling was visible. On my way home I realized that I hadn't tried it with lubed conicals. So, 15grs 3f goex and a Lee conical lubed with my homemade lube. After 5 shots, this was my bore with zero cleaning. There were NO WADS involved, so what cleaned((scraped) the bore and why is there no fouling after the last shot? The bore:
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I welcome discussion on the matter, but please don't just repeat dogma, actually do some experimenting and report your findings. I'm still waiting on pictures of a bore after several cylinders worth of bullets fired with lube over the balls. To the lab, fellas!