Hello been experimenting how to make a .5 oval bore “Lancaster rifle”. I wanted to measure how much oval I had . I hammered a .6” ball down into the muzzle , no big deal but it left a washer of lead surprisingly it took little effort to push the ball right through.
It’s a slow process making an oval my way , no machine you see, So of course grinding paste and measuring the lead plug I got .400 of oval , it’s a slow process weeks of work .
However it made nice round balls to oval bullets. I cannot fire them as no police licence how it would work with a rifled bore I am not sure Fir the moment not got that far but think it would be great , except for the tapping noise in the woods. Ha hz
Reading this conversation Then it occurred to me you could equally do the same with the .4” bore and a .45 lead ball. Thus you would not need to patch the ball And a wad between ball and powder
Just a thought from a 79 year old fart as a earlier reader put it. Hot and sunny west of London. Wife droning on again she wants to talk, a conversation even , like flowers , not guns boats and cars and motorhomes or fishing , She knew I was a gunny man , when we met, rows later “ I thought I could change you “. I can live without my wife but not without guns. 53 years of marriage.
I’ll leave theses thought with you