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45 caliber pistol recommendations

Muzzleloading Forum

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40 Cal.
Mar 6, 2006
Reaction score
Hi. I would like to purchase a 45 caliber pistol to compliment my 45 caliber rifles (T/C Hawken and Pedersoli/Dixie Penn rifle). Any recommendations? Am looking for something that shoots respectable, using it to shoot local BP matches here in MI.
Okay, I'm noticing that the Traditions Trapper/Ardesa Patriot and the T/C Patriot look quite similar. Are they possibly the same? Could Ardesa have bought the rights to that name/product from T/C arms? What about the Traditions Pioneer? How are they compared to others?
Percussion, I assume.

Deer Creek Products, 765-525-6181. No web site or email address.

From their 2007 catalog:
KP-5065 Traditions Kentucky pistol, .45 cal perc kit $134
KP-4265 Traditions Pioneer pistol, .45 cal perc kit $148
P-1265 Traditions Pioneer pistol, .45 cal perc finished $174
PK-100 Deer Creek American pistol, .45 cal perc kit $134
PK-1104 Deer Creek Kentucky pistol, .45 cal perc kit $134
PK-108 Deer Creek Colonial pistol, .45 cal perc kit $124
PK-110 Deer Creek Tower pistol, .45 cal perc kit $139
no catalog no., from page 37, Pennsylvania style Kentucky pistol, .45 cal perc kit $144
I got a trapper, great gun. there are some differences in these and the TC. some say the trapper shoots better. reason I campare these two is the double set trigger. I am told that the trapper, outside of the US of A can be had in 45. I have only seen the 50.
if you dont mind 45s for your rifle and 50s for your pistola, this would be a good gun.
I also have a Wm Parker and favor that to my trapper, its worht the xtra bucks IMHO!
The Trapper is not the same as the TC Patriot. I own both and they aren't even close in size, balance, or triggers. The TC sets with the front trigger and fires with the rear. It's smaller and better balanced than the Trapper. On the other hand, the Trapper has a superb trigger and is easily as accurate as the Patriot. Either gun is a great deal. If you can find the Ardessa version, it comes in .45 and if it's as good of shooter as the .50 Trapper I have, it would be a great gun!