I've heard it too many times. "I can detect no difference in 3F and 4F in the pan. Maybe not, but detectable is not reality. 3F does NOT ignite the main charge as quickly as 4F. Detectable or not. Me, I want my lock to perform as well as possible even if I can't tell it. The difference can mean the absolute center of your aiming spot and a shot that hits very nearly dead center. Not much difference but some. That difference can mean only a little bit, but I want my rifle load to be as well done as possible. One pound of 4F priming can carry you through know, and I think you do know priming powder should be 4F... arms on years of shooting. One small priming flask Like cleaning between every shot, or not. It is trouble to clean beteeen shots, but why not? Why not take every precaution to send your ball to the small, specific place you want it to go if you can do so by very careful loading I won't believe skipping an important step to load or reload can have a better affect on target. As muzzleloaders we KNOW our loading procedures make us much slower than a modern smokeless powder shooter. If we know going in we are slower and because we love muzzleloaders, why NOT take time to make every shot the best it can be. Don't skip the little things just to prove your methods work. ALWAYS make your load the best it can perform, regardless of who will never know the small advantage you took with an extra step. Just do it the best way you know and I think you do know 4F is bettrr/faster than 3 F. "Works just fine" is not a testament of expertise. It is a shortcut to, but not reaching, toward perfection.