Mods can delete it if it's a duplicate post wasting peoples time and forum space. Carry on.
It's not a waste of time or forum space,,
But you have been here long enough, and shared enough, too know that there's a wealth of history in the postings of this forum about thing's that work,,
thing's that work Ok, and thing's that don't.
It's not rocket science, these are not rocket science firearms. These firearms were left behind in developmental history, "because" newer better firearms and techniques where developed.
What I'm trying to say is get this part,, these olde guns and techniques only work so good,, "Nothing"-- "new" has changed that.
Dawn dish soap and water will help you clean your gun and heck ya, a wet patch for a patched round ball combo will help you shoot.
A Youtube video of discovery by someone else,, doesn't make it new,,(?) it only show's that someone else has made the sudden discovery.
(guess what? That info has been here for decades already,, take a look