A good time to own a flintlock!

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54 Cal.
Jun 23, 2012
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Was feeling like breaking out my old screw pistol, so I started calling around to my local stores for caps... none in stock. I only need one little can, so ordering online isn't worth the trouble.

Guess this means I'm going to be forced to keep playing with my flintlocks! :D
A similar scenario is what led me here and into the flint world. I have since sourced a supply of musket and #11 caps but will save those for the wife as she has expressed interest in muzzleloaders. Sadly, the owner of the only shop in my area that carried BP supplies passed shortly after I was there last and bought the caps.
A lot of similar stories I'd guess. What got me started in black powder guns was the primer shortage for modern guns, so I naturally avoided cap guns since I know caps were as scarce as primers. So I started my trip into black powder with a flintlock and got hooked.
It's all regional, not everyone is the same

I blow through 100 caps per week , I have piles of them and my local sporting goods stores have walls of them. All the Pyrodex you could need

I can't easily go out and buy 1" or bigger flint and I probably have to order them, but I've got dozens of them too. 4f powder is hard to find but I prime with anything

It's a good time to be a percussion revolver shooter......Midway has sales on round balls so deep I wonder why they just decided to give away .375 balls for 6 bucks a box......black powder is in stock at the distributors ........ cap and ballers are my cheapest guns to shoot by far right now
Wonder why folks report a shortage of flints at some places when they go to order them?
Wonder why folks report a shortage of flints at some places when they go to order them?

Yet to see a shortage of rocks at my local river. I can't nap em like the fine English flints available online, but I can smack a rock hard enough to get some usable chips if I'm in a pinch. If flints become scarce online, I may have to seriously look into learning the skill.
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Yet to see a shortage of rocks at my local river. I can't nap em like the fine English flints available online, but I can smack a rock hard enough to get some usable chips if I'm in a pinch. If flints because scarce online, I may have to seriously look into learning the skill.
Yup. I have hundreds upon hundreds of broken points found in my fields over decades in jars to use. The indigenous cherts may not be on par with the French and English stones but the right ones spark quite nicely and will suffice.