You never said if your Spiller shot outstandingly, well, fair, or poorly.
I am sorry. :hmm: I will try to make my answer more clear. It was a desperate attempt to make a gun for a desperate South that needed arms desperately. The S&B shows it!If so, the S&B is typical of the period.
I have all the available repos that are available on the market today except the two a fore mentioned, Walker and Patterson.
The Spiller and Burr, no abbreviations (?), is “typical”. The one I have is capable and average. It is no stand out. It is no dunce.
The one revolver that is a stand out, in my collection, is a full fluted Colt Army in 44 cal. It just works! :grin: It is one of those guns, the 1 in a 1000, type things. Everything just works and works well. :thumbsup:
If a person had to pick a revolver to use in that time period, the Civil War, the hands down choice would be the 1858 Remington. It is superior in every aspect to the others, even to my favorite Colt 1851.