Another corn treat

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Yep, the stories of the origin of the term "hush puppies" are as many and varied as the explanation of where the term "Hoosier" came from. Lots of good entertaining stories from fertile minds but, in the end, no one knows where either term came from. One story is as good as any other. If a person doesn't like any of the stories, heck, just make one up. One more won't make any difference. :haha:
Tallswife said:
Black Hand said:
Don't you mean deep-fried hoe-cake balls... :wink: :surrender:

Oh that just sounds so very wrong!!! :rotf:

I'll have to admit that I have never seen a hoe cake in the wild :haha: but I have eaten sliced, battered and deep fried bull balls. Mighty good eatin' :thumbsup:
I sure wish I had some of those Chessie oysters right now. Heck, I wish I had any oysters right now. I love them raw, fried stewed, Rockefeller.... just about any way. But they have gotten so expensive that I just can't afford to buy them. Besides, here in Central Texas all I can find are in jars in the refrigerated section. When we lived in a little town on the Texas coast, I used to buy oysters by the bag still in the shells. I'd take them home and shuck them myself. Fresh oysters....yum! yum! And, of course, the de-licious hush puppies with the onion in them. Oh lordy! There I go drooling on the keyboard. :haha:
Them are restaurant hush puppies. How many folks serve food in plastic baskets lined in parchment except restaurants?
Good eye, zimmerstutzen. Those are from a local seafood restaurant. They are the best hushpuppies I've ever had, but they won't give out the recipe.

I can't say for sure, but it looks like they do have the onion bits in them. One thing for sure, they really do look good. Wish you lived closer so we could break bread your house. :haha: