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Another Range Session, CVA "Philadelphia" Derringer...

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32 Cal.
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Here's a little gun that I've come to really like, A CVA Philladelphia Derringer kit-gun that I bought from a forum member several months back.

It was already assembled, all I did was to add a spare set of sights to it and a few 'medicine' tacks.

The Philly seems to shoot pretty well with a 133 gn .445 rb, .015 patch, and 15 gns of FFF grade triple 7.

Velocity, as could be expected, is rather modest, under 600 fps. This generates abt 1/3 of the energy you would get from a 125 gn 38 special load (non +P).

Still, I wouldn't doubt that the momentum of that ball could make it potentially deadly at close range.

I couldn't resist trying the 2x6/15 yd test... not sure why this pic came out so blurry, but the ball buried abt flush in this piece of treated pine... OUCH!

And finally, here's 5 shots at 15 yds on one of my Duelist targets. There are two shots in nearly the same hole just under the orange bull. That's why it looks like only 4 shots at first glance...

Well, I guess I'll have this little pug stuffed into a pocket during the fall and winter deer-season. If I have the chance to deliver a coup de grace to a downed whitetail with it, I'll post about that later on down the road...

HH All!
Sights??? :shake:

The intended range of that pistol is the distance across a card table - 5 feet max, and usually more like 4.

And taking the time to use sights, well, that wasn't in the game. :nono:

You're really pushing the little guy beyond his comfort range.

Sighting in the Philadelphia Derringer -

Find a large barn, preferably 2 or even 3 stories tall. Starting from one corner, walk along the longest wall to the midpoint (inside or outside, doesn't matter). Stop and turn away from the wall at a right angle. Walk forward 3 paces, stop and reverse direction. Bring the gun up to eye level, acquire the side of the barn along the top barrel flat and squeeze the trigger. If the ball impacts the side of the barn fire two more rounds. If all 3 impact the side of the barn the gun is sighted in. 2 of 3 rounds in the side of the barn are acceptable for using the gun at the next Texas Hold 'em tournament. 1 of 3 or 0 of 3 mean the gun should be retired to use as a paperwieght in a place of honor on the top of your formal desk.

Nice shootin, those sights seemed to have helped. Your getting good performance out of that little gun. That 133 grain ball goin 567 fps is putting 95 ft/lbs of energy on the target. Now that ain't no magnum but it ain't nothin to sneeze at either. I have the Traditions version of that pistol and with a .440 ball, .015 patch and 28 grains of Pyrodex P I can only get an average of 462fps with 61 ft/lbs of energy. Maybe I'll try the 777 next time. I enjoy your posts, you're a man after my own heart.

They are a load of FUN. Try stuffing 25 grains
( I know...alot of folks say they wont burn that much powder) in it and shooting over the Chrono...
I am curious as to the FPS.
Mine was putting all shots into a 3" circle at 20 yds shooting 25 grains 3 FFF. Its a
Big BOOM !!!
Skillet said:
I couldn't resist trying the 2x6/15 yd test... not sure why this pic came out so blurry, but the ball buried abt flush in this piece of treated pine... OUCH!

Old Abe Lincoln could attest to the fact that at short range they are indeed skull crackers. I don't want shot with anything generating 95 ft lbs of energy.
Put about 30 grains in that puppy,i read a test on one the other day and it penetrated 4 water jugs if i remember right.
interesting post, I'd try a little more 3F maybe 20-22 grs.
you have to remember that back in the day there was no anti-biotics available and a deep puncture wound could be the cause of an agonizingly slow death due to infection.
mykeal said:
Sights??? :shake:

The intended range of that pistol is the distance across a card table - 5 feet max, and usually more like 4.

You're really pushing the little guy beyond his comfort range.

Well mykeal, the way I see it, the "comfort range" has just been increased to 15 yds...

Now 50, that would be 'pushing'!

I don't really plan on taking that Philly to any poker games, just pestering a few targets-of-opportunity from the back porch, maybe trap-shooting a 'coon or two...

Blizzard of 93 said:
interesting post, I'd try a little more 3F maybe 20-22 grs.
you have to remember that back in the day there was no anti-biotics available and a deep puncture wound could be the cause of an agonizingly slow death due to infection.

Tried my 22 gn spout, but accuracy went "all to flinders"...

Yeah, the first shot might not kill right off, but it might make him too sick to interfere with my escape!!

Interesting data.

Just a note to mention that my spyware checker flagged an attempt to load a bad site when I clicked on the link to the box of truth site. He uses feedthegenie.com, which is an aggregator that tracks your site visits 'for the purpose of selecting marketing information'.

Also - determining accuracy on the basis of one round? Isn't that a bit arrogant?
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