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Any Aussies here?

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32 Cal.
Feb 9, 2008
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Are there any other Aussies on the board? I'm thinking of buying a couple of gun 'kits' and wonder if anyone else in Australia had any issues with importing kits.

Are they considered registerable guns, or are they just 'wall mounts' (until the vents are drilled)?

Much as I'd like to, I won't be firing any weapons, I just want to build some authentic looking period arms.
Be patient, there are several of your countrymen on board here that should be answering you soon. Emery
Yep. One New South Welshman here.

So far as kits go, try Green River Rifle Works in Adelaide (easy to find on Google). Alan Vaisham imports kits and can probably get one cheaper and quicker than you can by doing it yourself, given that biggest problems will be from customs etc.

Hang around this board and you will learn heaps. Excellent information, generously shared by guys who know what they are talking about.
Green River Rifle Works is the place and Allan is the right person. He builds rifles so he has the knowledge and is very amicable. I have dealt with him for some years and never had a problem.
Another here.

The law varies a bit between states of Australia, but I suggest if you join the SSAA and take advice from its experienced black powder people you will steer clear of trouble.

A kit built without a touch hole would be AT LEAST a replica firearm capable of easy conversion. You must register it as a firearm or firearm curio.

I understand that kit importers must assemble them to working condition so our good friends the Customs people can do the drop test before they are imported. As a result, kits are MUCH more trouble to our few importers, so are no cheaper than ready-built firearms.

As said, talk to Allan Vaisham at Green River Rifle Works and he will steer you right.

Where are you located? If you like the idea of shooting black powder the various clubs would be delighted to help you try it out.
And when I say steer clear of trouble, I mean that if you try to import anything that is a firearm part, you need to get a B709A from your state police to show customs you are allowed to have it. If you don't play your cards straight you could end up in difficulties.

It may be better to import your parts as parts than a kit; but DO declare them appropriately.
What's it like getting and keeping powder in Aussie and NZ? I'd love to take my flinter to NZ for some of that awesome hunting but I only use Swiss powder. Can you get it Down Under? :confused:

yeap another Aussie here.. go green river rifle works in south oz Allan will look after you.

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