Flintlocks and matchlocks are really the only true self sufficient ignition methods.
Still, with flintlocks you will need to rely on knapping skills of somebody which can have a high learning curve if deciding to make your own flints.
Match cord is much less involved but education on materials used and testing is essential.
I have a Forster Tap-O-Cap and I do like it quite a bit.
However, reliability with homemade caps is not as good with store bought caps. One problem is with spent paper having the potential to clog the nipples.
German paper roll caps are usually superior to the Chinese paper roll caps in regards to more reliable ignition.
To increase reliability some people put a few extra grains of powder inside their homemade caps and secure it with hair spray. This method works for some people with a certain amount of success, but it has it's own obvious problems and I think sometimes it could increase the possibility of a hang fire.
Still I believe it worth the investment for a cap maker, but it makes every bit of sense to look into flintlocks as well as matchlocks.
With proper knowledge, practice and consistency, all three forms of ignition will work very well.
The reliability of my homemade caps work best if the ignition path is direct like in cap and ball systems, but it still is not as good as manufactured caps.
With either home made caps or store bought if a misfire happens, keep your weapon pointed safely down range and count to sixty seconds before checking to make another attempt at shooting the charge from the weapon.