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It's not that uncommon for convicted felons to mess around with muzzleloaders since, for the most part, they're not considered "firearms". I've had several ask if they could own one to hunt with. "Whatever your parole officer says."
It's not uncommon for those who have been "previously convicted of a Felony" to continue to be mislabeled as a "convicted felon" for life. Whereas a "convicted felon is someone who is currently under sentence for a felony conviction". Once you complete the terms and conditions of any imposed sentence, you become a citizen again.
At no point in time, nor under any written law, have I ever been sentenced to a term of life for any previous felony conviction.
Another misunderstanding about legal terms is "Felon in possession" and "fleeing felon". Neither of which requires a previous conviction. All you need to do is be "in the commission of a felony" to be a felon. That is the legal truth of the term.
Anyone commenting a felony is a felon. Anyone serving a sentence for a felony is a convicted felon.

Your beginning to see the reality of this in the overturned cases of felony firearms charges in the supreme court.

2nd amendment is untouchable and lately the courts have pushed back on these untouched loose uses of legal language.

Remember that Wyatt Earp was released and handed his guns back, after his murder conviction l.
Years ago in NJ you could buy BP revolvers without a FFL dealer being involved. Then the motorcycle gangs started shooting each other with BP revolvers and things changed. After those incidents the laws changed - now you have to go to the local police and get a signed form to buy any BP gun as you would with any modern firearm, and it will be registered.
Years ago in NJ you could buy BP revolvers without a FFL dealer being involved. Then the motorcycle gangs started shooting each other with BP revolvers and things changed. After those incidents the laws changed - now you have to go to the local police and get a signed form to buy any BP gun as you would with any modern firearm, and it will be registered.
But the question is, are you precluded as a previously convicted felon. Or is it a stop safe to deter such rampant use?