Yes, several reasons.
1: Availability & you can get the twist of choice most of the time. Also, it is a PITA trying to get a Getz barrel when you want it. (The last Getz barrel I received that they said was "In Stock, In Hand, all we have to do is ship it", I received it 5 months after ordering, which was 2 months after the rifle was built & shipped. Took a long time to pack it I guess ....)
2: The Rice barrel has better machining of any barrel I have seen to date, inside & outside . (Other than a Goodoien match grade barrel)
3: Wonderful availability of the Rice barrels.
4: Both customers requested a Rice or a Getz.
5: LC Rice is a great guy to deal with & usually will ship the barrel when he says he will, if he don't have one in stock.
As for the difference in a Colerain, Getz, Grn. Mtn, & Rice, most will never know the dif. in shooting them & all 4 are more accurate than shooters most can hold.