Have you tested or even talked to any one who has shot and comparred accuracy with bottomed out arbors and not ? If you had you would know better !
A much more consistent method of setting your wedge depth is to make a steel gauge to go under the wedge head ledge when tapping it in or making a new one and setting the ledge thickness to accomplish the same.
Sir, that's why I do what I do!! If it made no difference I wouldn't go to the trouble of correcting the arbor length!! I almost find it amazing that someone on a forum today hasn't ever (apparently) heard of this !?
You obviously don't have a clue about the forces produced when the revolver is fired and how a wedge would stay in place just because you want it to. I'm sorry, I can't help you.
When I go to the range my Dragoons have a clearance of .002" . After I shoot 50 to 100 rounds of 45C at roughly 1000 fps my Dragoons still have a .002" clearance. They are as solid as a single unit frame. Before, when I shot a lot of bp the Walkers, Dragoons, Armys and Navys all would eventually shoot loose. The wedges would bend, the slots would have material moved . . all signs of an ill fitting wedge.
Since I've been correcting the arbors, there is absolutely none of the problems, the revolvers have a different feel (more like a solid revolver) and I have the same revolver after assembly and I don't have to check it with a gauge.
Trapperdude, you are correct. The only way the wedge can vary the amount of endshake you want at any given time would mean the arbor couldn't prevent the movement of the barrel assy. . . in other words, it would have to be short. By the same token, the only way to have the same revolver each time you assemble it is to have the arbor be the structure that determines how far the barrel assy can be installed . . . which is exactly what it does.
The correct or accepted parlance for what you are calling the "trunnion" is the barrel "lug". It is the lug that has the two holes that receive the locating pins mounted in the frame. Your thinking is right on though!