Bass Pro Shop

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40 Cal.
Jan 28, 2008
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I saw a post on Facebook stating that a Bass Pro Shop store would not sell black powder to a Civil War re-enactor, only hunters and shooters. Anybody experience this ?
:doh: That is just plain silly in itself. How would the BPS know the difference as most re-enactors are hunters and shooters....Another point, is that even firing blank charges is a form of shooting, isn't it?

In my experience, there tend to be a lot of dingleberries working behind the counters at Bass Pro and Cabela's. The more dingley their berries, the more they tend to make up their own rules to cover ignorance. Most have ZERO experience with the stuff they're peddling and recommending.

Contacting higher authorities within the store or chain is a very good practice. Try to get your answers in writing, and carry them with you into the store.
'a post on Facebook' isn't all that definitive, I think ... as regards the relative intelligence of the guy or gal behind the counter at BassPro (or a similar outfit) I would expect that the pay is competitive with the local burger joint, and when you pay peanuts, you get monkeys...
Kinda sorta on the same subject. I was in a Cabelas in CT last year, passing through. Bought a bunch of stuff for my dog and picked up some 22 longs ( barn rats). Waited forever in line, got to the front, she asked for my I.D., and would not sell me ammo because I had an out of state drivers license?????? :confused: :cursing:
Wouldn't surprise me at all if they cant figure out who to sell black powder to. Idiots. Idiot laws. Idiot chain stores.
And I never gave them a chance to defend the policy "because of Newtown". My kids are in school 5 miles from there.
Idiot laws made by people who don't shoot.
Turns out to be BS. BassPro emailed me back about it.


Thank you for contacting We truly appreciate your business. We do not have any policy regarding blackpowder for re-enactments. I am sorry for any confusion. Please have the individual in question contact BPS management directly regarding this event. He can contact us at [email protected] or at 1 800 227 7776 to discuss the issue or make a formal complain if this event did indeed happen.

Please contact us again if you require further assistance.

Best regards,
Bass Pro Shops
2500 E Kearney
Springfield, MO 65898
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Turned out to be BS. I usually don't put much credence to things on FB. I sent an e mail asking about it and Bass said no ,they don't ask what you are buying it for.
FML said:
Thank you for contacting We truly appreciate your business. We do not have any policy regarding blackpowder for re-enactments. I am sorry for any confusion. Please have the individual in question contact BPS management directly regarding this event. He can contact us at [email protected] or at 1 800 227 7776 to discuss the issue or make a formal complain if this event did indeed happen.

Please contact us again if you require further assistance.

Best regards,
Bass Pro Shops
2500 E Kearney
Springfield, MO 65898

I'd sure be packing a copy of that next time you go in. If you get any guff, dial the number yourself and hand the phone to the idiot behind the counter. :thumbsup:
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FML said:
Turns out to be BS. BassPro emailed me back about it.


Thank you for contacting We truly appreciate your business. We do not have any policy regarding blackpowder for re-enactments. I am sorry for any confusion. Please have the individual in question contact BPS management directly regarding this event. He can contact us at [email protected] or at 1 800 227 7776 to discuss the issue or make a formal complain if this event did indeed happen.

Please contact us again if you require further assistance.

Best regards,
Bass Pro Shops
2500 E Kearney
Springfield, MO 65898

We had a similar thread a whiles back. BPS in Springfield is almost my back yard. I phoned them and asked. They do have and sell real bp. No hassle. But, in any store these days you can encounter a jerk of a clerk. Don't blame the store.
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Propaganda- a form of biased communication, aimed at promoting or demoting certain views, perceptions or agendas. Propaganda is often associated with the psychological mechanisms of influencing and altering the attitude of a population toward a specific cause, position or political agenda in an effort to form a consensus to a standard set of belief patterns

Frankly, I'm surprised anyone believed it..... :doh:
Yeah, they passed that after Newtown. I used to buy bulk at Hoffman's all the time. FYI, You can't buy ammo in MA either. You need to be a MA resident and have a MA FID or LTC.

Get close to the MA border in NH and they will refuse to sell to MA residents even though there is no NH law against it.
Bass Pro and Cabela's are a mixed bag. Some employees are great, some are uneducated, some are arrogant wannabe experts. But the twenty or so little gun shops that are within 100 miles of me are the same. I have learned with any hobby - the true enthusiast ends up knowing far more than the average employee. This has been true with cameras, music and firearms. Less true with woodworking.
David Oliver said:
Yeah, they passed that after Newtown. I used to buy bulk at Hoffman's all the time. FYI, You can't buy ammo in MA either. You need to be a MA resident and have a MA FID or LTC.

Get close to the MA border in NH and they will refuse to sell to MA residents even though there is no NH law against it.
That is because THE MA AG said he will prosecute any NH dealer selling it to MA residents.

I got his letter about that when I had my gun shop.

Because of that I would not sell to any MA resident in protest. Ma resident's elected him so it is THEIR problem sorry.

At the time I bought my powder from a MA distributor and fellow ML competitor. He left MA to VT and was selling from there. Now he is gone due to cancer.
Moose - I wondered why the NH shops asked to see a driver's license to sell ammo ... my friends were all in their sixties - it's not like we get carded buying beer any more ... by the way, how does the Mass A.G. manage jurisdiction over a NH enterprise? ... sounds like the HN guys aren't really defending their employers and taxpayers very well from the depredations of some bureaucrat from another state...

sorry you lost your source of powder ... it's getting harder to get ...

Sara Brady does a little dance every time it gets harder to buy shooting accessories - even stuff pretty far afield from their obvious AR-15 AK-74 sort of targets... every shop that shuts down or range that closes is another victory for the leftie scum
I have purchased GOEX many, many times at Bass Pro and have never once been asked what I was using it for or why I wanted it. The only question is what kind and how many. I pay and walk out. But I will also say that I have walked up to the counter only to be told they don't sell black power and never have. I just ask them to call up a manager and wait for the dumb look on their face when they realize they were wrong.
My thoughts exactly. Since when do the regulations in MA have jurisdiction in NH. If I were NH AG I would counter sue MA for refusing to legally sell BP to an NH resident using the same logic.

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