Yep, it's a little faster powder, that's why it's recommended to reduce the load by 10% over ffg.Often real black in 3f will have less fouling than 2f and use less to achieve the same accuracy.
Yep, it's a little faster powder, that's why it's recommended to reduce the load by 10% over ffg.Often real black in 3f will have less fouling than 2f and use less to achieve the same accuracy.
Let's be accurate here. It is NOT faster burning meaning the rate of oxidation is constant for black powder. What IS changing is the surface area available for ignition meaning more of it is getting ignited at once. One way to think of this is burning matches. One at a time is 2f, igniting the whole pack is 3f. The burn rate hasn't changed, how much gets ignited initially is far greater.Yep, it's a little faster powder, that's why it's recommended to reduce the load by 10% over ffg.
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