Bass Pro Shop

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Jensen said:
I have purchased GOEX many, many times at Bass Pro and have never once been asked what I was using it for or why I wanted it. The only question is what kind and how many. I pay and walk out. But I will also say that I have walked up to the counter only to be told they don't sell black power and never have. I just ask them to call up a manager and wait for the dumb look on their face when they realize they were wrong.

The Bass Pro in Mesa?? I've even spoken to more than one Manager, and also the lady who does inventory and was told they don't sell BP. Unless something's changed within the last year or so, they convinced me they don't sell BP there, even though I told them their other stores all sell it.
As I said before I called em from Flagstaff was told NO. An acquaintance came back the following weekend with a can of 2f and a can of 3f GOEX from them :idunno: Maybe they think some of us are gonna "turn em in" or whatever. I wont do business (for BP) with them again.
But I will also say that I have walked up to the counter only to be told they don't sell black power and never have. I just ask them to call up a manager and wait for the dumb look on their face when they realize they were wrong.

The flagstaff BPS in Springfield, MO does not impress me with the training of the sales staff. :shake:
This is the local Bass Pro and if you look at the next to bottom shelf. :grin:

JohnN said:
I saw a post on Facebook

There's your problem... Not even going to get started with the social media BS, wrecked society and it's wrecked many lives...

Best thing for social media would be for it to collapse, then maybe some people would sway back to reality... :idunno:
MSW said:
Moose - I wondered why the NH shops asked to see a driver's license to sell ammo ... my friends were all in their sixties - it's not like we get carded buying beer any more ... by the way, how does the Mass A.G. manage jurisdiction over a NH enterprise? ... sounds like the HN guys aren't really defending their employers and taxpayers very well from the depredations of some bureaucrat from another state...

sorry you lost your source of powder ... it's getting harder to get ...

Sara Brady does a little dance every time it gets harder to buy shooting accessories - even stuff pretty far afield from their obvious AR-15 AK-74 sort of targets... every shop that shuts down or range that closes is another victory for the leftie scum
Because Most NH dealers would go bankrupt fighting the MA AG lawsuit is why. So the answer is for MA residents is "No Soup for You"

The big box store does what the law department of their corp tells them to do period.

It bites it for gun owners but MA still has some powder dealers you may have an hour or more drive and make sure you have an up to date permit for storage of the powder from your fire department or all you will get is 1 pound.

Any wonder why I left MA 30 years ago?
Rifleman1776 said:
THE MA AG said he will prosecute any NH dealer selling it to MA residents.

Based on what law?
It must be a part of the intimidation game.

IMO, a State cannot sue an out of State person living outside of their own State.

They can't even bring a wanted felon living in another State to trial unless the State the person is in, extradites (hands over) him/her to the other State and he/she is transported back into it.
Only when the offender is in the State where the charge is being made can he/she be brought to trial.

This tells me MA cannot sue any NH dealer for any reason. It won't stand up in court in either State.
That may very well be true but many times it's not worth the headache to deal with it.
I doubt if the people doing the pricing know the difference between smokeless and black powder.

To them, it's just powder, like Bullseye, IMR 4198, etc., not knowing black should sell for about $10 a pound cheaper AT LEAST , than smokeless.
Crewdawg445 said:
JohnN said:
I saw a post on Facebook
There's your problem... Not even going to get started with the social media BS, wrecked society and it's wrecked many lives...

Best thing for social media would be for it to collapse, then maybe some people would sway back to reality... :idunno:
Well, this forum is "Social Media".

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking , social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media.
Like any tool, it's how you use it. :wink:
No, it's not the problem. I asked here because I don't trust anything I see on Facebook. So I came to a place with people who may or may not of encountered this problem.
Claude is right, I agree... However this site sure is no Facebook and thank the Lord for that.

It's silly to even think Bass pro would not sell powder to historical interpreters... Even if they did, doesn't bother me as their prices are ridiculous.

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