Bear Country Backup

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We can wash my pants later

Friend of mine went to AK to bowhunt caribou and moose out of drop camps. Outfitter moved them from caribou camp to moose camp halfway through the hunt. First morning of moose hunt by friend had been out of camp for about 30 minutes and came upon a grizz that was on the other side of an opening about 100 yards wide. Bear charged. He was armed only with his bow. Bear was false charging and stopped about ten yards short then left in a huff. Friend returned to camp, washed out his drawers and never left camp again. :)
Thanks for the laugh! I needed that.

As for the pants cleaning, that's just the first step. Preparation H is real soothing for the long term recovery.

Worst case for me ever was a bear I never got to see. I was walking up a creek bed near my house and passed under a cut bank with tall grass on top. A @#$%@#$% bear cut loose with a roar not five feet above my head. Holy hemarroids, Batman!! :shocked2:
I have never hunted bear but from what I have heard you should carry a pistol with a short barrel and the front sight filed down. That way when the bear takes it from you and shoves it up your @$$ it wont hurt too bad!!
You might feel a little more comfortable with confronting a bear with something like this. It is a Scandinavian drilling with two percussion shotgun locks and an underhammer rifle lock. It was hard to find a photo of such a gun. I have been looking.

The gunmaker experimented with odd designs evidently. The flaming wood on some of his rifles is really nice too. The collector states that some of the firearms were designed for Polar Bear.
