Blacktail season in Oregon

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45 Cal.
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
Summer is over in the Great Northwest, and General deer season opens next Sat......."Yahoo"

Going to take the 62 smoothie out opening day.If the deer don't cooperate, perhaps a Grouse will.A day in the mountains is what it's all about, and gettin game would just be a plus!A little rain before then would sure help :grin:
A little rain before then would sure help

I think you'll get your wish late Thursday or Friday.

I'll be on the dry side trying to fill a muley tag.
I'll be down here in the Southern end Keno Unit usin my new Stroh 'Virginny' this weekend :thumbsup:
Ive killt a truck load of deer between Glide and Boomer Hill. At one point I had permission to hunt the hill behind the Roseburg middle school and also the hill south of town where the goats used to live. GREAT TIMES. I really liked that area as a place to live and hunt and then work took me to Portland and I still fantisize about shoveing a pencil up my nose hole far enough to kill myself living here with all the Californian rejects and hippies. :barf: :haha: :haha: :haha:
-----do you think there would be a lot of pain involved with the pencil up the nose or do you think it would be relatively painless-----GO FOR IT ----- :bull: :bull: :bull:
Good luck to ya over on the east side....Bill!
I do plan on making at least one hunt above Steamboat creek. The Bucks up there are more mule deer than Blacktail I thunk! :grin:
Did you ever bag one of them weather goats? lol!
I sort of miss seeing them on Nebo hill! Most folks reading this will think I'm talking about a male castrated goat!NOPE! These goats predicted the weather, so they say! When the weather was going to turn cold, they would come down off the hill.Nothing on the hill now, but a bunch of microwave towers and satt. dishes..........AH! "progress"
We have enough youth. How about a fountain of “SMART”?
I will be taking my .54 hawken out this Sat myself to see if I can bring home somethin :hatsoff:

Looks like rain on Sat so that will help!
My Grandson And I r Going To Take CVA 50cal Out And
Sit Some Where In The Upper Trask River Area
And Enjoy The Day In The Woods HOPE IT RAINS
Good Luck And Be Safe Out There.
nw_hunter said:
Did you ever bag one of them weather goats? lol!
I sort of miss seeing them on Nebo hill! Most folks reading this will think I'm talking about a male castrated goat!NOPE! These goats predicted the weather, so they say! When the weather was going to turn cold, they would come down off the hill.Nothing on the hill now, but a bunch of microwave towers and satt. dishes..........AH! "progress"
We have enough youth. How about a fountain of “SMART”?

I was hunting that hill in the early 90's; took several NICE deer off there. The goats were already gone. I just reemmber them from being a kid. :)
" I still fantisize about shoveing a pencil up my nose hole far enough to kill myself living here with all the Californian rejects and hippies"

don't forget the connical shooters... :rotf:
Well, to all you Oregon folks...
...Luck to each of you!

and everyone else as well.

Should see some moisture tomorrow morning if not late tonight!
tg said:
" I still fantisize about shoveing a pencil up my nose hole far enough to kill myself living here with all the Californian rejects and hippies"

don't forget the connical shooters... :rotf:

:confused: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :surrender:
Yep. Hunting season in the GREAT Northwest, Got me a 3 point staked out at a salt lick. That is a 6 point for all you Easterners. Going to take the 50 cal Sharon out and get another tack in it. Now we'll see if this dream will come true in a few days... Damn I hope this was'nt an other nightmare.
Horsethief said:
Yep. Hunting season in the GREAT Northwest, Got me a 3 point staked out at a salt lick. That is a 6 point for all you Easterners. Going to take the 50 cal Sharon out and get another tack in it. Now we'll see if this dream will come true in a few days... Damn I hope this was'nt an other nightmare.

:shocked2: Didnt think salt licks were legal in Oregon.... :wink:
" Didnt think salt licks were legal in Oregon.... "

I don't think the use of bait, salt or feed is leagal if set with pre meditated purpose of attracting deer for the kill, but I am not so sure it is illeagal to find a good hidy hole in the brush to wait and see if any incidental animals wander along the same path that the domestic cattle use to acces the feats the farmer/rancher has prepared
tg said:
" Didnt think salt licks were legal in Oregon.... "

I don't think the use of bait, salt or feed is leagal if set with pre meditated purpose of attracting deer for the kill, but I am not so sure it is illeagal to find a good hidy hole in the brush to wait and see if any incidental animals wander along the same path that the domestic cattle use to acces the feats the farmer/rancher has prepared

Good point. :hatsoff:
Hope some of you webfoots around here found their deer this weekend, I saw three, two fawns and a doe but need forkhorns to shoot with out the ML tag, never cared much for seperating fawns from the does anyway, I hope that modern ML hunter who drew "my" tag could not get his gun to fire in then rain.. :rotf:

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