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Blowing down the barrel?

Muzzleloading Forum

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:yakyak: WOW! I check this thread every couple days. It's the thread that never dies! :yakyak: :snore: :haha:
Mike Brooks said:
:yakyak: WOW! I check this thread every couple days. It's the thread that never dies! :yakyak: :snore: :haha:
I guess it's one of those 'lightning rod' topics in muzzleloading that brings out the passion in people...some folks really get pointed with someone else if the other person has a different opinion :shake:
Due to the apparent lack of professional trollers(at this time)on the Forum and the fact that is is Winter and post huntin season for the most part :snore: , we gotta have somthin to dissagree(gripe) about, even though we ain't too good at it... :cursing: :shake: :rotf: :rotf: :thumbsup:
PS; I'm still ablowin!!! :grin:
sniper68 said:
Due to the apparent lack of professional trollers(at this time)on the Forum and the fact that is is Winter and post huntin season for the most part :snore: , we gotta have somthin to dissagree(gripe) about, even though we ain't too good at it... :cursing: :shake: :rotf: :rotf: :thumbsup:

:bow: :rotf: :bow:
akapennypincher said:
Lets go back to BASIC Firearms Safety 101.

One Rule is something like NEVER POINT A firearm at anything you do not want to Hurt, Kill, or Destroy.

Blowing Down the Barrel Breaks this RULE.

A Blow Tube is the Safest Way to blow, and Avoid INJURY. Most Hardware Stores sell Plastic Tubing in Various Diameters.

Blow Safe...Shoot Safe.....
:hatsoff: :thumbsup: :hatsoff: :thumbsup:

People used muzzleloaders for centurys before "rule 101" was ever thought of,.... would someone please explain the physics needed to "successfully fire two consecutive shots with a single-shot muzzleloader" WITHOUT RELOADING?

I assure you, I wasn't born "deaf and numb", so I will find such information most useful when hunting, target shooting, and buying powder. :bow: :rotf:
T-bone said:
People used muzzleloaders for centurys before "rule 101" was ever thought of,.... would someone please explain the physics needed to "successfully fire two consecutive shots with a single-shot muzzleloader" WITHOUT RELOADING?

I thought that's what double ballin' was fer...shoot two deer at once and not have to reload!

And from time to time I practice double ballin' up at the range just to stay in shape!

:rotf: :rotf:
T-bone said:
People used muzzleloaders for centuries before "rule 101" was ever thought of,.... would someone please explain the physics needed to "successfully fire two consecutive shots with a single-shot muzzleloader" WITHOUT RELOADING?

I assure you, I wasn't born "deaf and numb", so I will find such information most useful when hunting, target shooting, and buying powder. :bow: :rotf:

Well T-Bone the point is it sets an example to others maybe some of them aren't as bright as you.

When I'm at our ML club's range and there are 10 to 15 others shooting. It can be quite busy this one shooting from a bench another one or two shooting offhand . All the while a half a dozen walking to and from loading bench to shooting line. None of us want to see someone carrying the gun in the suitcase mode level and pointing at us. So the rule is the gun must be pointed up or down range at all times. No exceptions.

Invariably when asked to do this newcomers say, "It's not loaded." DUH we don't care if it's loaded or not we don't want to have to worry whether your gun is loaded or unloaded. I for one don't want to see a gun pointed at me whether it's loaded or not EVER! It's a contradiction to make them follow Rule 1 and Rule 2 then stand right in front of them and break the rules. (Rule 1 Don't ever point a gun at anything you don't want to destroy.) (Rule 2 Treat all guns as if they are loaded.)

Plus we are creatures of habit that is why the guy shot himself in the head he just did what he's done thousands of times before. In my opinion it's good to form safe habits, PERIOD.

You can have your opinion and that's fine but you won't shoot at our club or any sanctioned NMLRA shoots either. :nono:

Chuck :hatsoff:
Mike Brooks said:
:yakyak: WOW! I check this thread every couple days. It's the thread that never dies! :yakyak: :snore: :haha:

It's a good example of how people can't just state their side of the issue and let others decide for themselves what they will do with the information.

Some people have the need to convince the people with opposing views they they are wrong. That's how it goes from a friendly debate to a heated arguement.

Telling us why you blow or don't blow is one thing, beating us over the head with why we are wrong is another. :shake:
And I have noticed there are some who don't mind making fun of someone elses opinion but when challenged on the logic of their own opinion they really start crying and throwing a fit or totally ignore ya. :shake:
Some people like to express an opinion and refuse to deal with trolls trying to provoke controversy.
Cooner54 and Roundball,

It appears that the two of you have lost sight of the topic and have made this all about yourselves. :(
T-bone said:
akapennypincher said:
Lets go back to BASIC Firearms Safety 101.

One Rule is something like NEVER POINT A firearm at anything you do not want to Hurt, Kill, or Destroy.

Blowing Down the Barrel Breaks this RULE.

A Blow Tube is the Safest Way to blow, and Avoid INJURY. Most Hardware Stores sell Plastic Tubing in Various Diameters.

Blow Safe...Shoot Safe.....
:hatsoff: :thumbsup: :hatsoff: :thumbsup:

People used muzzleloaders for centurys before "rule 101" was ever thought of,.... would someone please explain the physics needed to "successfully fire two consecutive shots with a single-shot muzzleloader" WITHOUT RELOADING?

I assure you, I wasn't born "deaf and numb", so I will find such information most useful when hunting, target shooting, and buying powder. :bow: :rotf:

Reminds me of the feller who unzipped his fly, pulled out his shirt-tail, and proceeded to pee his pants. Sometimes our thoughts are removed from our actions, and the more routine and practiced the actions the more likely your mind is to wander. There would be 95% fewer traffic accidents if everyone had their mind on operating the car and observing the road ahead.

If you are excited, distracted, angry, rushed, confused, talking, thinking, and think the gun fired when in fact only the prime/primer went off you have a potential hang-fire in your hands.

I have been at shoots where people have had pan flashes and thought the gun had fired. Honest. More than twice, different people, different events. People get so focused on the target they zone out and "hallucinate" the shot or something. Heck, I've even seen guys flinch when the gun didn't go off. :rotf: Your mind fills in what it expects you expect, sometimes.

Happens to me all the time. I never notice the "bang" or recoil when deer hunting because I'm concentrating so intently on the deer's vitals.
Dale Brown said:
It's a good example of how people can't just state their side of the issue and let others decide for themselves what they will do with the information.

Some people have the need to convince the people with opposing views they they are wrong. That's how it goes from a friendly debate to a heated arguement.

Telling us why you blow or don't blow is one thing, beating us over the head with why we are wrong is another. :shake:

That is an excellent point,.... I've never seen or heard anyone tell a fellow shooter he had to "blow" down the bore of his muzzleloader,.... and I refuse to attend any "shoots" where I'm told I can't after firing a shot. :shake:

With all due respect sir, as a fellow member of this board, I have asked you questions in a polite fashion and I have not attacked you personally. Even so, I am now called a Troll for simply disagreeing with your opinion? I am asking for a fair and Honest debate under the rules that Claude has set forth for this forum. This issue is important to me as a muzzleloader and my opinions were never aimed at you personally although some of my questions have been. I have answered the questions you have asked of me personally without thinking it was a personal attack. I hope you don't mind me playing by the same rules as the rest of you.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Secondine
Stumpkiller said:
Sometimes our thoughts are removed from our actions, and the more routine and practiced the actions the more likely your mind is to wander...

I have been at shoots where people have had pan flashes and thought the gun had fired.

If you are excited, distracted, angry, rushed, confused, talking, thinking, and think the gun fired when in fact only the prime/primer went off you have a potential hang-fire in your hands.

Excellent points.

I know I've made mistakes on the firing line (forgot to put powder in before the ball, forgot to put a ball in after the powder, etc.)

So, for someone like me, who is capable of making mistakes, it's not a good idea to be putting my barrel in our mouth, no matter how "together" I think I might be.

Having said that, I don't care what others choose to do, unless it endangers me or mine.
Stumpkiller said:
But Claude, we need all the members we have . . . and without holes in the back of their heads.

I persist because I care. :winking:

I'm still here (as are many others), and it's not due to anyone presisting to "protect" us from ourselves, but rather our own "common sense and faculties". :haha:

I won't attempt to diminish your's, if you don't discredit me for using mine. :v

I'm still here . . .

You can jump out of a plane and not hurt yourself until the sky stops.

Then I ask for you to be kind and turn around before you blow so the muzzle isn't pointed behind the line of fire. I'm not comfortable being in front of your muzzle OR my own.

Though I guess someone who insists on blowing has already provided a dense backstop in the event of a hang-fire. :haha:
"Having said that, I don't care what others choose to do,"

Good post Claude.....BTW when did you change this to the Barnum and Baily ML forum(VBG)
Stumpkiller Though I guess someone who insists on blowing has already provided a dense backstop in the event of a hang-fire. :haha: [/quote said:
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
Good one Stumpy!
I don't care who are you, that there's funny!

Chuck :hatsoff:
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