Way back when I was in forestry/wildlife mgt.school,one of my minor jobs as a student employee was trapping bobcats.As cautious as these cats are about exposure,etc,trapping them is simple.All it takes is a double spring jump trap even sloppily set in a sandy spot along a creek and some bobcat urine sprayed just above the trap on a bush or small tree.
Every year we students would have a beerbust bar-be-cue party and cook up whatever was at hand including bobcat which most considered pretty good tablefare. We always had a "Mystery Meat" contest,and whoever won got a six-pak of cheap storebought beer.(Few of us had enough money to buy beer-we made it,or stole grain alcohol from the research lab :winking
. The mystery meat could be anything.Weasel,skunk,j-bird,cotton rat,you name it! One year our wildlife professor supplied the "Mystery Meat" and no one guessed correctly. Turns out that it was a surplus German Sheppard dog from the vet school which was next to the forestry school.
The near-by big city newspapers got wind of our bar-be-cue "Mystery Meat" contest and came investigating :shake: BIG STORY in the paper-University Students Eating Dogs- :shocked2: Before it was all over the Univ.President got involved,our Prof was severely censured along with his buddy researcher at the vet school who supplied fido,the Forestry School Dean almost went on probation,and we never again had a "Mystery Meat" contest