necchi said:How about both :haha: .
Much like paul said it depends on how it's stored. I use 3 different storage/clean-up lubes. LPS 3 for long term storage. Hoppes #9 for just a week or two, and borebutter for over night or just a few days.
If it's just over night or a few day's at a rondy' I'll use the BB and then I just run a couple dry patches down an back.
If I use the Hoppes then I'll use brake cleaner on a few patches to get the oil out and 91% Iso or denatured alchohol on a few apatches just to prove it's clean,(aka: white patch comes out white!).
If it's long term and I use LPS 3, I'll spray the bore and breach well with brake cleaner and several patches with the stuff followed by alky patches to be sure it's clean.
Paricular care should be taken in the breech/nipple area as this is where the channel is smallest and most suseptible to fowling. By all means ALL oil's need to be removed as bp and oil become a tar like substance after firing.
I alway's clean with warm soapy water and clean warm water to flush, after a few patches to sop up water, I rinse with 91% iso or denatured to remove water at the miro level and dry patches then lube.
Does this sound like too much? Not really, the hole process take 5 maybe 10 minutes.
Hoppe's #9 is not a preservative in any sense of the word.