Breakfast, portable.

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It all depends on how delicate your taste buds are and how long between meals. Benjamin Franklin said "Hunger is the best pickle." In his day, pickles were served as an appetizer and his statement meant that if one is hungry enough, many things become palatable that may not have been so previously. Under ordinary circumstances, C rations were pretty bad but the longer you went between meals, the better they tasted. MREs simply don't require the same time span before becoming palatable. But, I must admit that I am not that delicate and am quite able to eat things that others may find disgusting. I have eaten snake....not delicious but edible. I have eaten earthworms....pretty hard to get down but there is some nourishment to be had in spite of the muddy taste. Just swallow, NEVER bite down or chew them. I have eaten grubs, some are not too bad and some are about as good as earthworms. I have eaten armadillo. That is good eating. 'Possom, coon, squirrels, etc. all pretty good eating. So, if it has been a while since you had anything to eat or have been eating some of these things, then if you compare C rations or MREs to some of these things, they (MREs or C rations) come off being pretty palatable. Hunger really is the best pickle.
Perhaps nesting cups is the answer or a small boiler in which your cup will fit. Given enough motivation, the answer will come.
Billnpatti said:
...if one is hungry enough, many things become palatable that may not have been so previously.

Under ordinary circumstances, C rations were pretty bad but the longer you went between meals, the better they tasted. MREs simply don't require the same time span before becoming palatable...

The first paragrah clearly written with grits in mind. In order of preference: snake, roast grub, grits with Mrs. Butterworth's, raw earthworm. You see, grits isn't the last thing I'd put on the menu for all you negative Nancy's!

Now MRE's -- are great. For low residual. Especially with little bottles of hot sauce. Addictive. I do resent that they came out with vegitarian ones for the most sensitive amongst our war fighters.
Alden said:
In order of preference: snake, roast grub, grits with Mrs. Butterworth's, raw earthworm.

Even from the perspective of someone who does eat grits, you've pretty much nailed the order. However, for all the items listed, it is the Mrs. Butterworth's that worries me the most, as it is the only item that MAY NOT actually be food...

On the other hand, if butter and fresh-ground black pepper were the seasonings, I'd put the grits before the roasted grub (especially if it was this grub , which we found on our last outdoor adventure, and was all of 4 inches long and 1 inch in diameter).
That's as good an excuse as any.

No truly..., and British soldiers found it in Holland, and as privates then and now are wont to do..., they said (paraphrased) to each other, "Yo dude I bet you won't take a swig of this". I've seen privates get smashed on Listerine, so gin would not have been a problem.

possum that has been feeding around an orchard, squash farm or grape vines and such is right tasty eating. make sure to remove the glands in the leg 'pits'.
roasted stuffed with sweet tater, onion and hot pepper it's actually mighty tasty.
Alden said:
Like grits, dislike gin? It's like the third grade...

Tastes mature. Gin. Gin Mmmartini made with vermouth shaken with ice, vermouth poured out, gin added, shaken again, and poured neat. Add an olive. Stir. OMG -- I need a drink!

I am always amazed how much our forefathers drank -- they were perpetually buzzed!!!
You like gin Alden? OMG now I understand why you dont like have destroyed every taste bud you own. Liking good dark beer,chianti (with or with out fava beans) and grits, I wonder at your mature taste claim. Relley...drinking old juniper berrys is a sign of good taste? I'll stick with grits and stout.
And crushed ice-filled gin-n-tonic on a sweltering summer day off? The best!

And yes, gin is meant to be sipped, not swilled, unlike whatever cold six-packs are on sale at Winn-Dixie this week...
Damn, Alden, you old grits hater. For once you got something right...."And crushed ice-filled gin-n-tonic on a sweltering summer day off? The best!". :thumbsup: Just goes to prove the old saying that "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while." :hatsoff: :haha:

Uh...Oh...contrary to popular opinion, you are the squirrel not the nut. :blah: :rotf: :rotf:
Alden said:
And crushed ice-filled gin-n-tonic on a sweltering summer day off? The best!
Less "crushed ice" and more "gin-n-tonic" is my preference...
I'll take a mint julip over gin n tonic for hot days gin was the renissance's crack lol
Preacher Jeremy said:
Give me a good Irish whiskey over ice and I'm a happy man.
Holy green leprechauns, man! Ice? You're talking crazy!!! :grin: :grin:
Coke and malibu,gin,irish ON ICE? I hear all the demons of hell laughing.I dont know whats worse. Can I get you some cherry flavored tobbaco to go with that? May be some velcro so you dont have to use a sash to close your frock? How about a little depleated urinium for you fizzen?
I shudder with horror gentleman.
Gin ...Ice... may the saints preserve us.
Of course he's not. He meant DIET Coke. A man's got to keep his figure you know...
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