Breakfast, portable.

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Tortillas? No thanks! I like pizza. And bagels with coffee. No forms of grits. That includes the mush...
Since the OP has only a cup to cook in, how about a poached egg? Boil water with some vinegar added to curdle the egg, crack the shell and pour it gently into the water, let it simmer gently for about 4 minutes, then put it on that ship's biscuit you made from whole bran flour.
Well, I'm headed out for ten days, starting tomorrow, and a goodly percentage of my meals will be wrapped in a tortilla (premade and frozen due to the possibility of early fire restrictions). I don't think that the image of "grits" will enter my mind for a moment. :grin:
After due consideration, I have reached the conclusion that it is brain damage. I think Alden's mother was severely frightened by some unknown thing while cooking a pan of grits during her pregnancy with him. But, he's okay. Other than having very poor taste in food, he is a pretty good guy. He'll make out on frozen pizza and fast food. :haha:
What's more portable than a McDonald's drive thru? And ya can't beat the price of their dollar menu, 2-for-$3 breakfast, pair of warm apple pies, and great coffee that is too inexpensive.


No-one helps "rough it" like Ronald McDonald. Until they have Rural Free Delivery, low man makes the run.
Talking about Micky D's and good coffee in the same sentence is a sure sign. Even the new and improved McD's coffee is still awful.
Instant grits. Flavored or non-flavored. Yeah, yeah, I know. Never at home but in the woods where you want something quick and easy that tastes good and is filling, it ain't all that bad. Heck, back in the day, I even ate Marine Corps issue C-rats and found them to be not too bad. You just have to be hungry enough. Like Ben Franklin said "Hunger is the best pickle." :thumbsup:
Confession: I do eat instant grits on RARE occassions. Usually as penance for something I'm pretty sure... Mrs. Butterworth's to the rescue!

Uh oh, NOW what!? LOL
My lips are sealed. I'll never tell. But, I am proud of you, brother. :thumbsup:
Actually, I find that "quick grits" are FINE & really do NOT take that long to cook.

Btw, I didn't really mind "C-rats" BUT I despise "Meals Rejected by Ethiopians" (otherwise known as "MRE"), no matter how they are described.
(Btw, STARVING Ethiopians really did turn down MREs, when USAID offered them as "emergency rations.")

We MPs tend to live off of "pogey bait"& "pocket fruit" in the field. = Over my career, I must have eaten 1,000 pounds of "potted meat", beans & tortillas, canned fruit, cheese, crackers, jerky, canned ham, assorted fresh fruit, etc., etc., etc., when A or B rations weren't available but suitable food was available "downtown".
(Division & Combat Support MPs move about so often, in the forward area & rear combat zone, that most of us don't even bother to take tents or anything that cannot be thrown quickly in a vehicle & be able to "move-out" suddenly.)

When our unit was last deployed OCONUS "way down south", some of our patrols moved 4-5 times a day. = "Set piece" battles are a thing of the past!
("Stealing sleep", "cat naps", "one watch & one sleep" & eating on the fly is: NORMAL & "to be expected".)

yours, satx
I've heard of MRE described as 3 lies for one price. Ain't a meal, ain't ready and ain't edible. :haha:
100% CORRECT. = I've been known to say that MRE is an oxymoron like "government worker", "jumbo shrimp" & "military intelligence".

yours, satx
Aw come on. I've eaten C-rats back in 1957 that were left over from Korea. Some maybe from as far back as WW II. You need to try the old C-rat meat patties in gravy. Lordy mercy you had to be hungry to get those things down and the cigarettes that came in the box of C-rats were so old that they burned like dynamite fuse. I've eaten the MREs. They are waaaay better than the old C-rats. Yessir, waaaay better.
TRUE story time: In Feb 1970, when I was "new to the MPs", I was assigned "an additional duty" as our BN Supply Inspector.
(For those who didn't serve, an "additional duty" is something that you NEVER have time to do BUT have to complete anyway.)

We received several pallets of "out of date" C-rats, that the Veterinary Inspector from 10th Med Lab in LARMEDCEN checked out & directed me to have the cases marked "unfit for human consumption" in 3" black stenciling & returned to PAD for proper disposal.
I later found out that the condemned rations were shipped to QMB & issued to "Uncle Sam's Misbegotten Children" for training rations.
(It was a "standing joke" in the 89th for quite a long time thereafter that, "We always knew that Marines aren't human.")

yours, satx
MRE's are very good, especially for low residue food. It's the heaters I objected to. And now, of course, the vegitarian MRE's because, ya know, some soldiers just choose not to eat meat...
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