CrackStock said:Threads only have so much load that they can impart or resist. If the threads strength is used up in tightening the plug then what is left to take the pressure when the gun is fired?
I have been percolating on this for years. I wonder how much the threads are actually accomplishing. It is not as if this were a pipe bomb where the threads were containing the full force of a powder charge without string support. Rather, the breach is butted up to the stock -- in many cases bedded to perfect the support.
I would be interested in comments from you all on this.
The breech plug constrains the pressure of the powder inside the barrel. The stock reacts the recoil of the bullet leaving the barrel. Two different mechanical systems.
Think about this - if there was no breech plug, would you expect the bullet to travel down the barrel after the powder charge explodes? I hope the answer is, "No, obviously the powder will blow out the aft end of the barrel and the bullet will probably not move at all."