Building short N.W. Trade Gun ...

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I have to say that after reading this thread I kinda have the itch to build one myself. I think I'd like a 20 bore. What should I look for in a barrel blank? I guess I have to make the breach plug myself?
I have to say that after reading this thread I kinda have the itch to build one myself. I think I'd like a 20 bore. What should I look for in a barrel blank? I guess I have to make the breach plug myself?
Well ....its kinda different for everyone . I'm a stricter for authenticity so l look for thin muzzle , light weight and short Oct. flats , damn near impossible so thats why I order a barrel to my dimensions and grind my own flats ....barrels today ate heavy and the flats are stupid long ....and barrels are stupid expensive , one reason why I buyback these short barrels . You find any other place you can buy a barrel for $26 you let me know !! LOL ! Breech plugs you can buy for $16 from Log Cabin or Track.
Rob, I was always a dog man, myself, but my two daughters kept pining for a doggone cat! Please daddy, please, I'll take care of it, etc etc... So I obtained a cat. Was a pretty cool tabby dude cat! Youngest daughter wanted one for her own. I hemed and hawed, one's enuf, blah blah, but sure enuf, they wore my monkey ass down. Got another one. Sweet as the other one was cool! So, now, I'm groovin' on the damn cats!! They're some pretty cool critters! Come and go as they damn well please, keep the yard littered with mouse and vole carcasses, don't really use the litter box anymore because they're outside so much. I'm thinkin that cats are alright!!
Additionally, Mr Miller, I took that beautiful gun you sold me out again this weekend and put 10 rounds thru it, shooting with my nephew and his lovely .45 Lehigh flintlock, and at 45 paces, offhand, we kept our group at about ten inches! Just having fun! Instant ignition every time with the trade gun! But I'm getting low on the rounds you sent me. I believe you said they were .570? I need to order more. And also, the 7/8 inch flints are performing perfectly, but wouldn't a one inch flint do better? Since I'm making an order anyway?
Rob, I see you put this beautiful gun on the for sale listing. After watching you build it in this posting I would love to own it. My only problem is that I have purchased two guns already this year and told my wife I was good for now. Also, we just had our 38th anniversary and I would like to make it to the 40th.
Additionally, Mr Miller, I took that beautiful gun you sold me out again this weekend and put 10 rounds thru it, shooting with my nephew and his lovely .45 Lehigh flintlock, and at 45 paces, offhand, we kept our group at about ten inches! Just having fun! Instant ignition every time with the trade gun! But I'm getting low on the rounds you sent me. I believe you said they were .570? I need to order more. And also, the 7/8 inch flints are performing perfectly, but wouldn't a one inch flint do better? Since I'm making an order anyway?
Thats awesome bud . You could buy 1" flints but there's no real advantage to it . Youll probably have to knock the inner corner off sonit doesnt hit the barrel when down . They should be .570.
Rob, I see you put this beautiful gun on the for sale listing. After watching you build it in this posting I would love to own it. My only problem is that I have purchased two guns already this year and told my wife I was good for now. Also, we just had our 38th anniversary and I would like to make it to the 40th.
LMAO !! Your a smart man . Yep ....a couple things come up and it looks like Shorty has to go . No biggy but .... this is becoming way to regular ! LOL .... Stuff happens
Rob, I see you put this beautiful gun on the for sale listing. After watching you build it in this posting I would love to own it. My only problem is that I have purchased two guns already this year and told my wife I was good for now. Also, we just had our 38th anniversary and I would like to make it to the 40th.
Buy it for your Wife.

Not that I have that kind of courage.
Yeah , try a 1" flint bud . After you square it up to the frizzen and tighten it up in half cock position then slowly lower the cock into the fired position , down , and see if the inner corner will touch the barrel ....if so knock that corner off .
I just reread my post! I don't reckon one could do better than "perfectly"!! But, still, it seems like the lock might prefer a one inch flint!
The " Pretty close to done " but " done for now " pictures of shorty ....
I love it. Great job. I'm going to use this thread and your excellent craftsmanship as a training resource. I'll never be a professional builder but would love to build one from scratch before my ride is over. Thanks for your efforts. A true maker...
I love it. Great job. I'm going to use this thread and your excellent craftsmanship as a training resource. I'll never be a professional builder but would love to build one from scratch before my ride is over. Thanks for your efforts. A true maker...
Thank you bud , very kind . You ever get in a bind give me a holler , see if I can help ya out
I love it. Great job. I'm going to use this thread and your excellent craftsmanship as a training resource. I'll never be a professional builder but would love to build one from scratch before my ride is over. Thanks for your efforts. A true maker...
Hey Hermit ....did you get a copy of Pryor Mountain Bill s manual on building N.W. trade guns from me ? If not , let me know and send me an email so I can send you a copy ....its dandy

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