I pay ALL my bills with a check. Buy LOTS of things with CASH. Only problem paying cash for everything?
Pretty soon I run out of cash and have to go to the bank get more.
Used to get by with a $20. Not so anymore. What you used to get with a $20 now takes a $50 or more.
Lucky for me and mine, I've got enough to keep me and mine happy.
Some folks are BIG into on line banking. What happens when your PC takes a dump or your account gets hacked?? PC having issues? Say it isn't so.
I look and check to see if a check has cleared and I've been known to move $$$ around but my bank in ON TOP of it. If needed, copies of a cashed check are available.
What it comes down to is, It's YOUR money and what or how you do with is up to YOU!!
Got jerked around by a "couple" of Big Boy Banks. (screw the little guy) Only took once for me to take my $$$ and run. Took longer to think about it than me closing my account and hitting the door.
Sooner or later, somebody at the bank will ask "what happened to some of our loyal our customers"?
(You mean me?) The one you tried to screw??
Went to Down The Road Bank where they treat me and my $$$ like a King.