Cold bullet lube

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36 Cl.
Jul 23, 2020
Reaction score
central Washington
Hi all
Please steer me in right direction. I worked up confidence shooting no excuses comical prelubed bullets in my lyman gph. Unfortunately as tempting lower than 40 or upper 30s it shot8 inches high. First I thought it was change between tested on relatively firm rest and softer hand for rest. However trying to confirm this led to the shift more appearing to follow lower ambient temperature. Is it realistic that the lube being colder than 40 change point of impact?
100 yards distance. Yea I am having hard time thinking lube. But was unsure how much change people see that leads them to have softer cold weather lube vs thicker warm weather lube. I am getting a circle insert for the front sight so I can verify I am not holding different some how on elevation. It is weird as I have 2 distinct groups that are only inche and half in size, but 8 inches apart.
More experience will tell I am sure.
Questions on the lube for your conicals. When was the lube applied? If the lube has been on the boolits for some unknown amount of time, this will change your point of impact. My friend, when shooting his rifle with old lube, the rounds will not group at all. Fresh lube and he gets good groups. What type of lube are you using?
Cold weather affects powder charges too. So, it could be a combination of things. Isn't BP fun? So many questions........
I blame your clothing. If you're wearing a heavy coat, it will change the recoil dynamic of the gun. I've seen it in competition and unless it's near artic conditions, I shoot my relay in shirtsleeves
Cold stiffens lube. You should not be heavy lubing a rifle bore. Revolver
chamber mouths are often lubed. Your Lube should not be more than
about half beeswax. Oil or tallow is added to give pliability in cold.
I have never heard of cold moving up impact--though i guess it could
affect sights, powder and barrel slightly.
Questions on the lube for your conicals. When was the lube applied? If the lube has been on the boolits for some unknown amount of time, this will change your point of impact. My friend, when shooting his rifle with old lube, the rounds will not group at all. Fresh lube and he gets good groups. What type of lube are you using?
Cold weather affects powder charges too. So, it could be a combination of things. Isn't BP fun? So many questions........
Fresh bullets from No Excuses within last few weeks. These are fresh bullets as he just started using this bullet weight mold. My clothing did not change appreciably. I had couple of high shots in last outing and then they came back down to POA. I was reloading quickly so barrel was some warmed for lower shots. I am hoping next time I am out with it I can rule this cold lube out as well. I want to trust this gun for more hunting.
I do thank everyone for thoughts on this as hopefully will get it figured out. Probably will end up being operator error I am sure. Just want to know what error so can fix it.
What powder? Real black lights easily in cold weather,,,,the subs not so easily.
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I can only give you my experience. Trade gun 62 cal. Practice to hit a paper plate 4 out of 5 times at 5-0 yds. Since MN Muzzleloading deer season is first two weeks of December the temperatures are usually below freezing. I went to the range to practice around thanksgiving. I could not hit a 18” x18” target. Started playing with the Lub. Hopes #9. Improved the group. Then tried bear fat. Wow what a difference. Right back to my previous group. Used bear every sense. I am just saying what works for me. Ike
Hi all
Please steer me in right direction. I worked up confidence shooting no excuses comical prelubed bullets in my lyman gph. Unfortunately as tempting lower than 40 or upper 30s it shot8 inches high. First I thought it was change between tested on relatively firm rest and softer hand for rest. However trying to confirm this led to the shift more appearing to follow lower ambient temperature. Is it realistic that the lube being colder than 40 change point of impact?
Follow up this weekend temps mid 20 deg. Still shooting way off about foot and half pattern. I was using circle front sight inset so don't think problem was my aiming. Hit mostly right and low of established sight in.
Did notice some caps firing that did not ignite powder first time. I made sure to blow down barrel after shots and rap side of lock to settle powder before seating bullet. Is inconsistent firing pressure possible if caps are marginally hot enough? They are still quite loud.