Colt Walker

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I've seen them get new lever springs to hold it up but this was a poor design from the get go. A good stout rubber band around the barrel is about the best solution I have heard used on them while shooting.
There is no comparison in power between a ball or bullet in a Walker to a modern .44 mag or .45 Colt shooting a 250 grain bullet to 1200-1300 fps.
For certain. The one thing I’m scratching my head about is how the ROA using nearly half the powder charge is creating about the same power as the Walker with a bullet.

Quite frankly I don’t see the need for more horsepower with what’s used. It seems the only benefit to more is if using a HP so as to gain penetration. But a WFN does well all by itself even if there isn’t expansion.
I killed about a 400 lbs black bear boar last fall with a .44 .250 grain slug at about 4 feet and I would not have traded the four inch gun for all the Walkers ever built on that day as he almost got to my hunting pard.
The hard lead slug smashed the boars spine from the left side in a fast double action shot as he flashed by me and went completely through and out the other side. I could not have counted on the Walker to do the same thing, I don't believe.
The Walker was designed to shoot further with heavier bullets, for war fighting in a lot of open country in a black powder world. Comparing it to a smokeless powder cartridge revolver made to sell for other purposes is just apples and oranges.
Because only so much powder can be utilized in a given barrel length and weight of projectile has every thing to do with how efficient that load is.
I don't believe the 60 grain charge in a Walker with a ball load is being completely burned inside the barrel. Much is probably burned after it no longer is contributing to velocity gain off the end of the muzzle.
Certainly can’t say for sure but Kaido’s 240 grn modified Lee 255 grn .45 bullet pushed by 3F T7 from an 1858 easily went nose to tail through an adult hog doing much the same thing. Even a ball is shown to penetrate over 20” in gel.

I’d prefer, like you, in an instance like that to have more than enough horsepower over potentially just enough I’d say.
Well, I certainly wouldn’t compare a Walker to a .44 Mag, but when we see the bullet designs being similar along with a similar velocity it’s an apples to apples comparison to a .45 Colt. And we can then be reasonably certain of similar performance. We’ve known the .45 Colt (standard stuff) to be more than adequate more hunting with.
I'm glad you clarified (standard stuff) black powder load of 40 grains behind a 250 grain soft lead round nose bullet at about 950 fps.
The .45 Colt in a modern gun is a whole different animal for sure. I'd never have bought a .44 mag had I known what the Colt could do with modern components.
The Walker is a pussy cat comparatively speaking ballistic-ally but was the Magnum of it's day and was used to kill Grizzly bear and Buffalo in it's day.
They did have a bad habit of bursting the cylinder though with these large black powder loads as they were made of cast iron not steel.
They were not originally made of even wrought iron which was basically early steel with some carbon hammered into it for at least some strengthening and grain size reduction.
Even the neutered stuff at 30 grns behind a 230 grn bullet was pretty potent for most uses, though I’d certainly want much more in the shoes you were wearing that day!

Mike Beliveau’s testing of ROAs (5.5” and 7.5”) with 25 grns of 3F T7 behind Kaido’s modified Lee 255 grn bullet traveled at 881 fps and 920 fps for 440 ft/lbs and 480 ft/lbs all of which are over .45 ACP +P stuff. And that wide meplat is no joke. And he figured on extremely light compression along with a 15% reduction which isn’t necessary.
Yeah, and the ROA's are made of 4140 steel which will take any black powder load you can cram into the chamber.
I have wondered about Meal-D which I have two cans of which is black powder dust for pan use.
Have you had the chamber bases squared in your guns for maximum capacity?
No. I have considered that or getting a ClassicBallistix cylinder. But if it is producing 500 ft/lbs with a WFN bullet I’m not sure it’s needed. No bears here, though some of the hogs get big and nasty.
ramrod43 said:
I was planning on going with 3fff for the lighter loads but probably 2ff for full power. I figure less pressure and MORE noise.

That is a very confusing approach. Yes, the 2Fg will give more blast noise as it probably will not fully burn up in the length of the barrel. But, 3Fg will give hotter performance. But, if ye want more noise... :shocked2: yer own thang.
Haven’t been out for a while. May make it to the range with some unmentionables. Also the Walker. Planning on trying 3f, 2f, and T7. If I get out, I’ll post the results.

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