CVA Changing Dovetailed Sights

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Feb 22, 2008
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I picked up a set of adjustable Williams Fire sights for my 50 Cal CVA Mountain Stalker to replace the fixed sights that came with the rifle. I also ordered a brass drift from TOW to punch them out/in. Though it seems like a pretty straight forward job I have never done on so I am asking if anyone here has any suggestions or advice before I start banging away.


When I did my 1894 the sight I drifted out would only move from one direction, IIRC left to right as viewed looking down the barrel from butt end. I tapped it a couple of times the wrong direction and it would not move, but a tap in the correct direction it came right out.
That's correct. Drive them out from the left to the right, as seen while you're looking down the barrel. By the same token, the replacements should be driven in from the right to the left.

I don't know the CVA sights from Adam, but sometimes you run into 2-piece sights that have both dovetail and a screw. You have to drive out the upper sight to reveal the screw beneath it, which is actually holding the base onto the barrel. Not saying that is the case here, but always be suspicious of 2 piece sights or adjustable rear sights, which can also conseal a screw in the base. Small deal, unless you're trying to drive out a base that's screwed onto the barrel!
A friend of mine has an old .54 CVA Hawkens with sixed sights. A very simple flat top iron sight that is one piece. Real easy to tap out as mentioned. I have the same brass drift from TOW. Hold on to that thing. It comes in handy for a lot of jobs :thumbsup:
Thanks for the tips. I had no idea that they had to be tapped out Left to Right. :bow:

I am glad that I posted the question.

Thanks again,
